Π day 2022
Happy pi (π) day everyone !! If you DON’T get it, 22/7 = 3.14 for AGES.
This has some bearing on circles, spheres and round things but I can’t get into that right now for the usual reasons so I’ll jump right in.
Some links to highlight and of interest ...
This GOP senator is an IDIOT, totally irresponsible and one (only 1) reason I am no longer supporting the party. Fools making this kind of statement should be shot, hung, guillotined or exiled. Certainly NOT re-elected.
Speaking of idiots, Hunter B back in the news.
Hey Hunter, why not bail this poor guy out ? I mean he probably fixed your laptop for free. Just slide him enough to keep him afloat in true Dem-fashion. Donate a piece of your shitty high-over priced art work.
In a break from policy, I actually READ this one. I mean death threats and being leaned on by the IRS and other government agencies is disgusting and continues the trend of the O’bama regime of using government agencies as police, policing and harassing citizens. LITTLE PEOPLE. All punitive for the weakest of reasons. For laughs, REAL laughs, just look at the 'related articles' at the end of the article proper. Why the msm hasn't RUN with this as they would a Trump child clearly illustrates the double standard and corruption pandemic.
Other ‘news’ from the world of sports, Tom B 'unretires' again … this is so NOT news. He obviously needs the money with runaway inflation what it is.
Liking this new first day of DST. I got a lot done and looking for more tomorrow.
PA and associated inventory build should continue to boom and training rides outdoors looking to start this week with very nice spring weather predicted.
Some good news … WWAF. I received an email from the show late Sunday for this prestigious show and jumped right on it. While no word on wait list status, when the executive director of the event contacts you directly and wants to help, this cannot be viewed as a bad thing. So holding steady and picking up the pace in the event I do get accepted.
I do have a large part of the inventory tied up in Corpus and if I can’t do it THIS year, I can decline and prep for NEXT year and do the volunteer gig in hospitality and make more connections for next year. So this is all good.
That’s it.
Most anxious to have breakfast and getting after projects. Hopefully I did the LAST indoor ride for the off-season, informal training regimen. So boring riding the stationary bike.
Sorry for the weak, short and abrupt report. I HAD TO take advantage of pi day (the symbol is not crossing over, SORRY) in an effort to lift up you, LITTLE COMMON PEOPLE like me.