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1 Ø 2021

The first day of a new month long celebration we shall refer to as Oktoberfiesta and abbreviate with the month symbol [Ø] which I THINK is null.

More on October later in the month when news is slow, light and material sparse.

Emma, help me out here … is this symbol referred to as ‘null’?

Standby Fans. Emma does get back via reply but the wire MUST be stretched very tight and her tin can handy.

It seems that someone has dilated the aperture of the hourglass and the sand is getting thru much faster. But it is probably just my imagination gone wild.

Anyway, I have a full day planned and merely a short paragraph worth of material here now so I am cutting off to attack said plans.

Promising here to return most likely later today during a soft break from the many activities which I will fill you in on the most noteworthy.

Bill out 8:41am ( FINALLY after a few days of Sgt Preston of the Yukon an episode of the Lone Ranger. Life is good…)

10:01 pm

AS PROMISED, the short recap of the remainder of dia uno and highlights follows.

The afternoons priority project was making the fourth and final live edge shelf/weight for the booth tent. With the show two (2) short weeks away, we as in me, myself and I need to ratchet up things and remain with a very high level of focus and determination. Aka full ‘hump’ mode.

The two (2) slabs were cut in half at Glen’s making four (4) pieces and needed to be placed on the garage floor juxtaposed for which two (2) as a set would do best as a set. Before the down select however all were flipped to get the ‘best’ side.

Once this decision was made, I uncovered and dragged into the working position the planner and proceeded to run each board thru to get each side smooth. On the second pass of the first board the motor started to strain and then smoke. I quickly cut the power preferring to avoid flames in the garage.

Trouble shooting began at once and after taking off the cover, the little belt inside hadn’t quite melted and broke thru but the pulley was still too hot to the touch.

I carefully took off the belt and called Donnie. He didn’t answer so I went over and while driving started working on a backup plan.

Well he was home and said the local automotive parts place would have such a replacement belt. I told him to get permission from his Boss to leave the property which was granted.

Once at the auto parts store, the two young clerks gave it a good look but finally gave up and suggested Home Depot or Lowes. Both having stores nearby logistically Home Depot made more sense but once there we struck out as well.

Having had my fill of this adventure, I looked up the number on the belt and bezos had them in stock and could have them delivered tomorrow so I ordered them (a pair) but before I could apply my ‘bonus reward points’ for the purchase I was billed against my card so I had to contain my fury knowing I was going to get the opportunity to speak to someone in the Philippines tomorrow.

Back at Donnie’s we ran the boards thru his planner and accomplished the objective and the operation.

On my way home Ilean (eye-LEAN) called and had VIP tickets comped for an opening of a new place in McK. I don’t know why but I thought it was a micro or craft brewery but it was just a bar/restaurant venue.


I don’t do reviews without some form of compensation but I doubt I would ever go back. Except for one waitress of interest there was not much to draw one back frankly.



Got to go.

Must make up a little lost ground tomorrow.

Thanks for checking back. You HAVE BEEN rewarded.


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