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20 Ø 20 Struggling is or seems to be the operative word as the world is totally hosed. I cannot nor

Struggling is or seems to be the operative word as the world is totally hosed. I cannot nor will not speak for anyone else but personally I am bored to death, sick and tired of the media and all the whining complainers that seem to think ANYONE ELSE give a hoot (sh*t) about what ever drools, squirts or trickles from their mouth.

If you have an option, fine, you are entitled to that but maybe, just PERHAPS if you savvy, no one else really cares so just STFU.

MOVING along,


Now pay attention here as this is important.

I tried in a near-term previous report to include a couple of links which I had difficulty verifying were even there. It seems with the ‘new, and improved’ upgrade, adding or inserting links in either 1) not easy to see or 2) intentionally more difficult than the older version to keep such links from being more widely circulated and SHARED.

This ‘upgrade’ fits todays theme of ‘censorship’.

The large social media platforms that everyone has been gravitating towards and rushing to embrace are COLLUDING to determine the outcome of the next election. This is the WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO and it is happening.

The techno-giants are suppressing and covering up the democratic challenger and PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN 'S shortcomings by ignoring the huge bombshell revelation of the son’s laptop with very incriminating evidence of 'high' crimes including misdemeanors.

This is disgraceful, disgusting and reprehensible.

Poor S1 has actually informed me that he intends to vote for the clown.


The donkey. Democrat.

He is under the influence of his mother, the x, and only parroting her vast ‘knowledge’ of politics which is ignorance garnered from her father.

NOT because S1 favors the challenger, he simply HATES the incumbent President. So wrong.

I hated O’Bummer but like most TRUE Americans that RESPECT the process AND system said little and the former Sec of State, why she wasn’t forced to come ‘clean’ with her emails and private server that held classified documents is FAR above both my reasoning and pay grade.

When this country was set up, the founders were under the assumption that the voting population was smart, could and would determine for themselves the issues and who to vote for.

Well, anymore not so much.

People are NOT intelligent or even smart and simply not paying enough serious attention to what’s going on here. Most seem more interested in the British royals and the Cardashians and prefer being force-fed from a hanging bag information from social or news media. Think if an IV.

As an intelligent voter, YOU must decide which or what is better for the country.

I voted early as I was clear with the direction I feel the country needs to be moving. I can safely handle four more years of swamp draining. Watching the greasy, oily and slimey scurry and scramble is worthy of sitting back with a large bag of pc. That's short for popcorn.

I am wrapping this up and moving on to conclude and post it up.

Rest assured there IS a link here. Hover the cursor over, near and around the text in the paragraph and it MAY then become visible to click on and read the story. If you have been watching the Fox talking heads you at least know the ‘allegations’ and ‘accusations’ and I believe firmly if checked by investigators would turn out to be true.

Emma checked in from Lubbock. Seasons are changing there just like here.

Speaking of Oz (?), the Australian Skye News is covering the US American political campaign in a refreshingly uncensored, unbiased and slightly humorous manner. It is interesting to see how the actions are viewed AND interpreted Down Unda.

Unbiased reporting … an old fashioned concept.

I saw a headline or lead in to a story yesterday by Dan Rather. Remember him?

Rather not?

O eye no.

Instant fraud reference. How do you say zero cred in Hindu?

I have now added the United States of America to my prayer list.


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