The following takes place from 12:01 am to 11:59 pm this day. It is condensed & summarized by avoiding gross commercial interruptions to be 24 MINUTES and NOT 24 hours as with the popular Fox action/drama.
Why yes Emma as a matter of fact I have. Thanks for remembering and then REMINDING the ROW. And to you others (aka the ROW) that remember & recall that far back, kudos. It seems to fit nicely, it flows and it is MY BLOG !! For crying out loud.
Starting is usually hard, but that is now done & we can safely simply now move on’.
I arrived late on station in Fort Worth tonight but not until and after a full, interesting & exciting day took place which I will as usual accurately and amusingly recount for loyal readership & subscribers. AHEM.
I met with Texas State Representative Scott Sanford & his executive assistant Megan at 11:30 in McK for the long-anticipated meeting reported on numerous occasions here. It was excellent.
We talked about election reforms, the frequency of elections and then the dropping of ‘special’ elections and water conservation.
Representative Sanford gave Megan action items to get me email addresses & websites for already existing groups that are addressing the issues of my biggest concerns.
Representative Sanford recommended getting involved, attending meetings and meeting other concerned citizens.
From here I went to Flower Mound & met up with author Dale Arden to discuss The Iguana Project.
He was very appreciative of the effort & changes I found and made marking up in my soft copy.
Dale has been taken advantage of, bordering on fraud, by the people aiding, assisting & helping him on this project. But it looks like the end is coming into view thankfully & hopefully.
A tour of his home and shop followed and both were most impressive. Many ornate carved items, major pieces and some he had done himself. Dale had a lifetime of cool stuff around his home like art, collections & Boy Scout items from his days which were most interesting. They would have been just before my time.
He had one of the old merit badge books on 'Stalking'. We joked & laughed at the context of that one and I mentioned I picked up a 21st century merit badge book on 'Sustainability.'
Things have changed.
That gets you here now to The Seminary, secret location in FW.
Here is some ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. This link is DEAD, NOT LIVE just a dummy or decoy and PRIME example of the mind set of some of the lost souls wondering aimlessly like therapists over the surface of the planet looking for some trend to follow.
REALLY ? A slow news day OR the extent of their intelligence ?
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia