Twenty-something O 18
I have another unusual event this morning. I know … right ? The situation reminded me of the lyrics ‘he didn’t know if it was day or night …’ Read on to find out how quickly I sorted it out along with FULL DETAILS. Por favor.
I woke up in one of my easy chairs and the first thing I could see to recognize and think was the window over the from door. My thought was how light it was for such a late hour.
I had dropped in disc 2 of season 4 of Endeavour and once again nodded off for an unscheduled nap. Usually I view such things at night and in the evening I crawl upstairs to bed.
Well, this day I got up early, thought I would outsmart myself and get to watch an entire episode without falling asleep. So I got up, made a little light breakfast, restarted the disc and you guessed it.
Fell asleep again this morning and awoke after dawn and of course it WAS light. NOT the middle of the night. What an idiot !!
And now I am 0-for-3 trying to watch S4,E3. I am going to try AGAIN one more time today later this afternoon after a longer bike ride. While the remaining 99% of the general population settles into Cowboy football.
Yesterday I got a late start on 2nd Saturday art on the square. But it was 3rd Saturday due to weather issues last weekend. No sales but that’s ok. No inventory to replace.
I see the Brooklyn Dodgers beat the Milwaukee Brewers in game 7. I was secretly routing for the underdog Brewers as Dodger fans are as obnoxious as yangkee fans. Nearly as obnoxious. It matters not for rubbing THEIR noses in defeat will be just as sweet AND there are a LOT of them here. Us locals only WISH they were passing thru but it is like they are here to stay. Sad because they are a shiftless, worthless bunch of low-lifes.
Yesterday on the Square Rob and I were talking, jokingly pointing them out and picking them out of the crowd. They are just too weird to describe sometimes. I mean we would look at a couple, one was totally normal and sane by all outward appearances and his female companion had long purple hair.
It was a Halloween themed event but how weird is it when only one partner dressing up observing & the other not. IDK and IDC.
Moving along …
22/Monday … more or less
It's called Fast Forward (FF).
I started this entry obviously Sunday and was overcome by events.
Since you are insisting.
Sunday after the initial fogs lifted and after Mass, the day turned GORGEOUS. I worked, had breakfast, worked, cleaned, worked, did some laundry and then guess what ?
Sucker. Wrong.
I went for a bike ride. Two (2) hours, 48.26 km and I know a bit slower but traffic was an issue later in the day when it warmed and the light wind carried a chill. After and IF I can accomplish a number of things this morning, another 2 hour would be grande. I got up one morning and I am ballooning. I reached 179 and sirens and warning horns were going off.
That also said, I think it is time to change seasonal eating patterns and habits.
I am thinking for example now shifting from the late breakfast of spring/summer to first thing or first opp. That might keep subject (moi) from snacks early and often UNTIL breakfast. Same breakfast just earlier. Lunch to mid-afternoon fruit of some kind of healthy snack and a sit downish supper/dinner.
That’s the big news.
Must fine tune the plan for trip out this morning. Must also address some communications written and electronic. Finish the display frames for the Studio Tour (ST) and some ST committee work later either before or after the bike ride.
The bike ride is a MUST DO especially if it is anyway where near sunny & warm.
Bill out. If it is NOT warm where you are, the sunshine should, would or could suffice.