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27 Marzo 21

Saturday morning with a clean slate and only fun activities on the schedule all day within the friendly confinements of home.

Last night I final prepped four (4) peppermint angelfish and will start painting them this morning. The 4x frames are underway and the two should be married up very optimistically for final assembly today. I am thinking an online auction starting at $85 for the first one and bump up each and the next one until they are all gone.

Then make more. [insert smiling face]

Shy Ann checked in yesterday via sms text message. I thought PERHAPS we would hang out but wrong again.

The birds are singing and chirping madly this morning like their testiculars are on fire which of course they are.

Speaking of birds, a short event of note I failed to mention and should from Wednesday.

I was cleaning a paint brush in the kitchen sink and caught a flash of blue bouncing, sitting and hopping atop the fence.

I watched for a moment and got the binoculars or field glasses and sure enough, a male and female bluebird were checking out the bluebird house.

This is the second time inspection I have witnessed and I was again hoping they would like the place, make an offer, nest and settle in.

While Mr. Blue, orange and white stood guard on the fence, Agnes fluttered (with delight ?) from the house to the fence a number of time and it was like she was reporting details, sharing features and shortcomings to the Bow.

He must not have been impressed with the walls or carpeting and before I could lower the price or refer them to the leasing agent, they were gone and still have not been spotted.

From my limited knowledge, the location, location, location is not ideal for bluebirds. Bbs like or prefer a broad wider area and the back yard is a bit confining or so I am thinking.

As the late x mother-in-law would say ‘oh well.’

I binge watched a couple (2 or 4) I think (?) as I kept falling asleep. I had told myself to retire after the second episode but I worked on projets and MAY have slept thru missing an entire episode.

As the late x mother-in-law would say ‘oh well.’

It is calm, still and overcast this morning a bit on the coolish side. The last of the coffee is finished and I am going to go without coffee for a while switching to the high anti-oxidant blend of my own. The mint is PERFECT for harvesting growing like gangbusters in an area I want to clear anyway for vegetable planting.

I say ‘perfect’ because the nasty little sucking aphids have not discovered and moved onto them YET so TODAY is harvest day for mint and start drying. Mint is a key ingredient to the HiantiOx blend.

Mass later today at Saint Guillermo el arcangel, laundry maybe, more likely tomorrow.

Projet artistique inventory build continues.

Yesterday I got a call with an invitation to another show. April 24, local and a repeat event however it conflicts with an anticipated event in Galveston so watching the weather on that as well. I really am looking forward with some excitement and anticipation participating in the G-town art market and things ‘coastal.’

Coastal is 'hot' right now you know?

Also, I started the strawman for a novel last night. A thriller tentative title ‘Private Hack’ and it probably isn’t what you are thinking.

I have it pretty much laid out but of course it needs some work and filling in some details but a great storyline and some steam gathers.

Advance releases possible but only by subscription.

Hey, the art gig isn’t ‘far greater’ than writing for revenue generation so make good on those pledges.

I can’t think of anything else right now.

I shall savor the last of the coffee. Hot and black.

Oh, one final quick story since you have been so good. This is for Emma who checked in yesterday via electronic post. (mail).

I had a small local job on Friday morning and stopped to put fuel in Silver. I left the casa quickly as time was running out and I didn’t want to be too late. I went inside and was wanting a small coffee for the road.

I placed the order …

‘What ?’

I was not sure iffen he was deaf, his mask or my mask or the plastic virus barrier was impeding his hearing. It didn't matter as I felt my BP spiking.

So I repeated my order, fewer words and decibels louder. ‘Coffee, small’ removing ‘black’ so as not to be offensive. I got out my wallet.

‘$1.61’ as in that will be …

My turn … ‘WHAT?’


I put my folded my billfold, put it in my pocket and looked at him.

‘I don’t need it THAT bad. Nevermind’ and canceled the order. I didn’t need half-gallon and no, I wasn’t going to come back for a ‘free refill.’

This highway robbery HAS GOT TO stop.

I know I did.

Don’t ever, EVER be afraid or have fear and say ‘NO’.

Class dismissed.


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