6 Øct 21

It is as ALWAYS a great day to wake up.
Today it is especially nice to wake up and be a Fan and citizen of Red Sox nation.
If YOU are a new york yankee fan, perhaps you don’t want to wake up today OR maybe not so much.
My utter amusement at the hapless fans of the evil empire continues and is magnified this day. Think as in PEDs or steroids.
I cannot wait for businesses to open and venture out with my Red Sox cap LOOKING for and seeking ‘those fans.’
One place for certain andd a must stop is local K-Roget and bust Perry and have some fun at his expense and that of his favorite team. He COULD miss work for iffen you ‘believe’ his stories and tales he is a millionaire multiple times over. According to me on info gleaned form him.
The again nyy fans are famous AND infamous for tossing bovine fecal material.
Today, however, it is I that will have the upper hand and I WILL BE merciless.
I’d like to say he was retarded but that cannot be said about people anymore in this context. He is challenged in so many ways and I do like him but giving him the business is great fun and the last time I checked ‘fun’ was NOT a civil OR criminal offense so ‘no rules’. Just right.
Any yankee fans out there today?
I am predicting TODAY in the ‘big apple’ will be All Gloom for the ‘bombers’ were bombed as in crash and burned.
I mean when are those idiots going to learn to stop saying and doing stupid things?
Well, for starters, when I was playing little league ball, an early lesson was NOT to give the other team, aka the opposition, any kind of advantage especially before the game.
APPARENTLY this lesson is forgotten, stopped, no longer taught or totally discontinued as the yankee players said in the papers they ‘wanted to play the Red Sox.’ Well, they GOT their wish.
And so did the Sox. The 6-2 yawner is an Instant Classic.'
Hall of Fame broadcaster Joe Castiglione has a pure joy to listen to on the radio for he pulls no punches, jabs and body punches ALL NIGHT … landed … from the booth.
As an example, in the eight inning, Sox up 6-1 and batting he made the call for more ‘insurance runs’ IOW ‘ bury them.’
They did. Happy ending and start to a fabulous day.
Lots of material, certainly more coming in the next 24-48 hours so …
Enjoying the moment …
Why, if I were still smoking AND had a cigar, today MIGHT be the day that it got lit up.
Right now it doesn’t seem to even matter if they get swept by Tampa things would be OK.
The Sox v Rays will be good and Astros v Sox BOTH Teams could win. Just NOT the yankees.
Just saying IFFEN they keep going and get out of the American league to the WS (World Series), dispatching the LA Wigglers would be a repeat (done that ... '18) but the giants MIGHT now be my fav NL team with Mike Yaz in the lineup.
I like the giants, SF not so much and fantasy league move trading Mets for giants and bringing something good back to NY. For the record, the previously referenced LL team WAS the GIants and yes, we DID win a Championship. It brings a tear to my eye when I dig out THAT box score and store that appeared in the now-defunct local paper.
Recall I once did actually go to SF and this was before all the vax talk. I made sure I had ALL those shots before AND AFTER travelling there. The idea of seeing grown adult boys walking in the street holding hands and such nonsense to quote Chester Riley is ‘revolting.’
So wait until NEXT year yankee fans LOL and YOU BET I’ll be out & about ALL DAY with the cap shown in todays image. Especially happy for my b-i-l (sisters other half) a very obnoxious pin-stripper. So typical in that you can’t talk INTELLIGENT baseball with them. Delusional is a common characteristic or better a symptom.
I have made a couple of entries on substack sort of feeling my way along and getting accustomed to the tools. Not sure iffen I want to risk exposing self today but we shall see how it goes.
I COULD go on and on and on making this the beginning of a great American novel but I won’t. I shall leave this grand topic for other better writers as in ‘pros’.
Planning for the next show is progressing nicely and in GRANDE fashion and everything appears to be falling into place so all good there and Thank God.
Sox 6-2 & sending Losers home to a LONG winter in the Big Apple.
Bill out going out to seek damages!!