7 7 22
Two pair and breezing into Julio. A good hand but certainly far from great. With this fractured brand of numerology, it works. Anything works as a source or launching point for good positive vibes aka hope.
A gorgeous and perfect day here in Paradise. Sunny and warm, relaxing and slow. Let me recap here briefly for readership as I feel the creative candle burning down. As in just not feeling it.
I am THINKING that I have reached a new level or degree of notoriety.
I am not sure if I mentioned here that I reported to ebay customer service a possible fraudulent transaction for my large painting Watching the Shore.6. I received notification that my monthly Square statement was ready. Apparently I had nothing better to do so I opened it up for grins and just take a look. Well I see a $970 charge from 4 or 5 July for a SALE. (!) Shocked I was.
This would have been a windfall but I received nothing from ebay and I started checking, digging around and doing some sleuthing. No record(s) or indication of a sale on ebay so now I am REALLY suspicious.
I contacted Square customer service and got them involved so if YOU’RE out there you low-life SOB, they are COMING for YOU. I hope they find you, press charges and you get convicted. The world will be a FAR better place with the likes of your kind locked up.
I asked to be kept informed on progress but I’m thinking fat chance of that. I doubt they do ANYTHING at all about it.
The training ride today was tough. Coaches in the past refer to gut check time and the 40k ride is on the schedule as ‘easy.’ I started in some minor pain(s) and for a while wasn’t certain I could finish but this passed. I decided the quick ride from the previous day was the cause for the aches so thinking it MIGHT be a double advil gel cap night.
The 40k time was 1:41 but there was a safety ‘detour’ and two (2) near-miss to close calls. Slower yes but average rate was 23.6 and I maxed 40.7 km/hr for a stretch. It would be nice if I could track time in the 30+km/hr zone so I could try to bump that number up. I was over 30 for I estimated a fair amount of time during the ride. I found going from 27-28 was only a few strong rotations and will try this again next time out.
Don’t look for anything tomorrow. Calling it mental health or just an off day to gather material.
Tomorrow is an off training day and I have oodles of things to catch up on. I started looking at recipes for blueberry conserve, hot pack and started some blueberry Jezynowka (aka nalewka). It’s a Polish tincture or cordial made with blueberries, a little sugar and booze. Not decided yet on vodka, coconut or a citrus flavored rum. I now have apricot, blackberry, blueberry and peach and I am learning how to use them.
The cordial can be sipped daintily in the small glasses and I have found mixed with a little ginger ale (Canada Dry zero or diet) over ice with a splash is a fabulous summer cocktail of the more innocent variety. Garnished with the estate mint naturally.
Also tomorrow some yard work and gardening. I have been telling myself for some time that I need to do a full report for the new subscriber on the progress and status of projects at the Paradise Pineapple plantation and research institute located here.
There are three (3) of the older plants throwing off fruit which again is a single season record. The Grande mommasita has a fruit for the third, THIRD (3rd) and one of hers is shooting up like it is ready to crown but it is too late for it to ripen this season so I am trying to hold it back.
And there are a number of new and lingering projet artistiques that need work.
Views and stats for readership monitoring progress at home, wix steady at low views, the stack hit double figures (10) with the last post for the second time. So Thank you loyal readership.
Got a question or suggestion for improvements OR a story or investigation OR just something burning a hole in your mind?
Ask Bill for ‘Free Advice’ while it’s still ‘free’.
This is a new column feature suggested by Blake Blake from Washington state in the PNW.
Walla Walla I think.
cheers, peace, love and understanding