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The Death of Democracy and the Republic. A sad testament to the erosion and fall of a once great nation.

People have axed me about ‘current events’ and what I thought, actually wanted to know my opinion on ‘what was happening’ or what happened as the case may be.

After the second or third such inquiry, that’s after explaining that I was ‘not following’ anything in any form of media by choice and did not care or WANT to know, I came to the realization that all they wanted to do was bait me into a one sided ‘discussion’ and proceed to ‘blister me’ with their OPINIONS, THOUGHTS AND RAMBLINGS.

During this ‘discussion’ which I barely had any opportunity to get any key points across, I once again came to realize I was arguing with a fool, imbecile and perhaps an outright idiot with erroneous logic, false and twisted facts and deluded views of life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

After strike III, when asked my opinion, the answer now is ‘Disgusting’.

This is only the short version.

There will soon be a new crime family at the helm and for this we should ALL be FEARFUL.

The long version is available for a price so contact me directly for the real what’s happening.

At the very last minute discretion, security and personal safety came into consideration and I halted the post and broadcast of such a message. Should the wrong people read the OpEd, it would be very easy to manufacture an ‘accident’ and silence a critic.

Sad again but this is what our society and civilization has eroded to.

And it will be getting worse, FAR WORSE before it gets better.

This could in fact be the last entry or report issued from this vehicle.

Again, sadly.


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