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Vernal equinox 2015


Aka the Spring equinox is finally here. It is a good thing it is Friday because with this schedule, we OR one can celebrate ALL WEEKEND.

As we used to say in the Fire Department, also a mantra of the gang at Laver's Hill Pub Roadhouse, one cannot drink all day unless one starts early. Responsibly.

OK, running short of time as the list seems to be growing as the sand passes thru the hour glass in the corner.

I got very mad at myself yesterday at a blunder I made. I marked my calendar to attend Mass on the Feast of Saint Joseph. Then totally forgot. I spent most of the rainy & overcast day cleaning my office, clearing files & burning debris. Floating between creating & organizing files, a couple of phone calls and making a killer playlist to work by, I became lost in both time & space.

One task was to go fishing. In the freezer. For a piece of fish. Which I did & caught one on the first cast. A salmon, cleaned, plucked & ready to thaw. Patty requested fish for dinner so that tasking was half-done. Sides I am knowing will develop as the day wears on so I was good with that.

I guess that’s it.


Very well.

So what’s ahead as the weekend & Spring looms large you ax ?

Finish or more realistically continue the office cleaning & organizing. I KNOW … I’ll call it Vernal Equinox CLEANING !! Another fresh, new term from Bill. No charge.

Patty is out of town this weekend so I am kinda hoping that it does rain frankly. That way I can stay closer to home, protect the fort, guard the castle & continue to carve, paint & plan as normal. Sunny & warm is supposed to hit & start on Thursday next week so yard work & training rides will be in order.

I am very proud to report that the end is drawing near on the Matthew Kelly book. What a great book & I can now recommend Rediscover Catholicism. Very inspirational and after a rough beginning, it is time well spent.

Tonight, Stations of the Cross at 5:30 at Saint Michael’s then to Saint Gabriels for the fish fry to go. I checked last night & Saint Josephs Knights of Columbus is not having the Lenten dinner afterwards. Strange but I am sure there is a reason. Actually this schedule works very well. Saint Gabby's Stations are at 7:00 & just a little too late.

Speaking of time shifting, I am getting quite good at it. Last night I got drowsy & was dropping off when Jimmy Kimmel was just revving up from the SXSW festival in Austin. So I recorded the show with Bill Murray, Walking Dead cast members & tomorrow night, which is NOW tonight, Willie Nelson is the guest.

So, as you can see clearly once again, I have my work cut out for me now today.

This is Bill & I am out of here.

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