8:30 ALL DAY
Just waiting for it to come around again, the sun to set for things to cool down with dusk the darkness. I have been fed, relaxing now...
Ate too-ate ate-teen
Homeostasis is returning and may be back to 100% ‘normal’ after an unplanned down-day yesterday. Light activities only and a leisurely...
27 Au 18
The 2018 HH100 is in the books and results are posted on line. Speaking strictly and solely for myself, glad that it is over in some...
26 Au 18
This Guillermo Sanchez reporting from Wichita Falls, almost OK but it’s ok, for Hotter than Houston 500. Sanchez confused … wondering why...
20 Au 18
Nice numbers this day and an abrupt change to the Plan marginally major. These things happen and must be negotiated successfully w/out...
18 August 18
Alternate title 18 Ate 18 a close second as well as some very strong ‘also rans’. Tough day, tough timing once again as it is a Saturday...
8 16 18
Bare numbers illustrate the pattern for this day and they are all good. An OFF day so NO RIDING today and more on that to follow but...
Fourteen Aug 18
Raining AGAIN this morning and I am perched above the cement pond in a comfy chair looking away out of the window. I opened the window...
Ate Ten Ate-teen
IT’S FRIDAY !! HUGE storm rumbles thru last night and cool this morning, windows open and gentle refreshing breezes, sunshine and glad I...
Ate Ate One Ate
A nice collection of good numbers today but is does not reflect truly the atmosphere and mood here. Slight melancholia and marginally...