XXIV Junius
WHOA Fans. Time out. Things are ACCELERATING way beyond and out of control. Six months to the day for Christmas and YES, I HAVE done...
XXIII Junius
SO disoriented I need a time out. And it looks like today is that day OR perhaps the first day of a few. I think I have a blog entry or...
Star date XVIIIJNMMXIX.2. We were traveling up thru a termite hole, warp speed, like flying mammals retreating from Hades. The skipper...
A perfect day starting the new year marked with day of birth. With light clouds and a stillness that allows bird’s songs to carry and...
6 12 19
Dark, dark, and more dark this morning. I mean already twice, TWICE I was reminded how dark it was having to turn on a light to see...
National Sex day 2019
Why not ? There was an entire MONTH for ‘mental health’ and so many other nonsensical ‘days, weeks and month’ such as National donut...
6-6 19
D-Day occurred this day 75 years ago and you can bet your rump it WILL BE on the new calendar. Wondering if such an event could be even...
V Jn 19
HUMP day, Mittwoch and the weekend is just over the horizon OR line-of-sight (LOS). I cheated the faux gods this day and this week...
Jn 19 First Entry
OK so it’s the second day but the first entry so do NOT start by giving your writer and correspondent flack or static in any way large OR...