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6 12 19

Dark, dark, and more dark this morning. I mean already twice, TWICE I was reminded how dark it was having to turn on a light to see something kind of important. Top that with MY Day Plan squelched and shattered before I rolled out of the bunk.


Plan altered due to a small switch in the training program for the week.

Short story stretched out due to shortage of material, visitors this weekend so the long GDR for

Saturday was moved to Wednesday morning which is today.

As ever, an early start was inked in and then I woke up.

Checking the weather forecast, overnight a pop-up shower SHOULD HIT at or around 8AM. The GDR is kind of important to skip and recall Graduated DISTANCE Ride (NOT GD ride) is up to 80K already which is 50 M. My goal was and still is less than four (4) hours but start time will be after noon.

You see the pool guy does his thing today and there is a issue brewing with the filter and pump. I can tell by the sound something is wrong. He fixed it last week and it was working but since returned to form so he either has to fix it OR show me what it takes to stop the malfunction.

Other than the rain and visitors, not much new to report.

With the visitors of course is getting the ship ship-shape, kid-proof and passing FB muster to keep Father OUT of a nursing home.

So, today 12 JN 19 is kind of a set-back but mild and only in a minor way. I THINK I can handle it with coffee and cleaning early in the interim and resuming a schedule later.

I hope, pray and trust that your set-backs this day and every day are so, so, so …



What ev.

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