Friday morning and a big warm welcome much needed for the weekend. The nonsense in the world continues and rumors, propaganda, mis-,...
Four-twenty is some kind of secret cryptic code word whose meaning I knew once. An acquaintance from NM first told me about it, I forgot....
Good Friday 15 A
The year I spent in Florida, in solitary confinement, there was a guy named Wolf. Wolfson was his surname, so somewhere in his lineage...
12 A 22
Tuesday and it is dark, danque and humid. The knoose of time is tightening and the world continues to swirl downward into the vortex....
4 Ocho 22
Friday peeps, the weekend IS UNDERWAY and things are popping like corn at a movie theater. I awoke early and so fired up that I decided...
4 4 22
Two (2) pair and it COULD BE a winning hand. But I don’t play such card games and I THINK two pair is a weak winning hand. Maybe the...
A 3 Early
Up early with domestic affairs that unfortunately periodically must be addressed. Where this becomes pathologic is when one carries the...
April Fools 2022
NUTS. The entire world has gone NUTS. General George Patton nailed it, Iggy Pop nailed it as well. All one has to do is remove head from...