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Monday and we’re off to a great start. Back-to-back episodes of the Lone Ranger on the radio PLUS four (4) days packed with A-C-T-I-O-N stacked up to report.


First, The Saints and their feasts. Saturday was Saint Monica (27) and Monday, today Saint John. Saint Monica lived a LONG time ago like 350-ish. Patron saint for difficult marriages, verbal abuse and alcoholics. THAT seems to catch them all. Another interesting note, Her feast date was moved from 4 May to 27 Au in 1969/70. So small wonder people are forgetting. The Vatican is not exempt, above OR below under-handed shenanigans.

Readership is inching up I am happy to say. A slow/happy trajectory is far better than a flat or dismal track. I recently made the strategic move listing this link on the instagram page. Watching the counts as a direct result of that manuever.

Friday at 11:37 am I decided Wichita Falls would be fun if not a good idea. By 2:00 I was packed, loaded and on the road NNW.


I camped overnight in the back of Silver at the MPEC with small, minor problems none, NONE, unexpected. At 2:38 very early Saturday morning I could not get out of the sleeping compartment to walk across the parking lot to the porta-jon. I had to awake FULLY to sort out THAT little problem. It seems SOMEONE activated the ‘child-proof’ window and door lock ‘security’ feature.

When I managed to figure it out, it had a secondary benefit. Can I use ‘serendipitous’?

Now I was able to LOWER THE WINDOWS which made the cabin internal temperature MUCH more comfortable far closer to bearable. I checked the weather before making the final go-no-go decision and the overnight low was 22° (72 F). There was an older gentleman camping in the back of his pickup truck two (2) slots down. He was 73 and from OK.

As far as results and finish, it was OK. I did 40k which was a training ride as I was training and planning for 100m until S1 moved in and couldn’t be left unattended. That put a small crimp in the training plan but NO COMPLAINTS. But starting so far back was humbling for an elite rider such as myself. Lots of Families which was fine but lots of inexperienced riders to navigate around at the start to avoid a wreck. Once things opened up it was fine. I passed probably hundreds of riders and down the stretch was passed by less than five (5). Two (2) of them stopped at the static aircraft display late in the ride at Sheppard Air Force base and I never saw them again. I had seen such airplanes before and I was on the clock to beat a time goal.

Results were posted Sunday morning and my time was 1:31 which I had around 1:33 on my chrono. Also, the distance was short of 40K. My odo registered 38+ k so naturally time would be better. Also they had my age incorrect so I couldn't tell where or how I stacked up age-wise and by gender which I had listed as ‘boy’.


What did I tell you about thinking? You’ll hurt yourself if you’re not careful.

When they make the correction I will update inquiring minds HERE with a cyclone-type spin-up.

Lots of pa work today. I got the new hand-piece early on Friday before leaving town and projects have backed up.

The latest Watching the Shore.8 or .9 plus the first experimental production lot of WS.postcards is moving quickly.

WS Enterprise activity shows follow-up to be done on the soap caper. Also, the ‘missing link’ for a major art project is a step closer. A foray to Best Buy this morning should be most helpful.

Birthday card MUST get out today to Kjell. She is turning 39 again on 31st.

So this is probably going to do it for August but NOT Summer. I got into the cement pond yesterday and the water temperature was chill. The sun ducks behind Roger’s large oak tree shading too much of the lagoon.

A quick dip reminds me of summer swims at Ed Zed’s pool in NY. I miss him and when I take that first plunge and the shock takes me back.

Yesterday I was reflecting how great it would be if I came up after the long underwater swim following the dive and I was at Ed’s drinking a nice beer on his deck with him.

But life doesn’t work that way.

Thank God that the MIND DOES work.

Rest in Peace Ed.


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