29 Ø I THOUGHT I was done for the month but a brief scan of the headlines turned up a nice story to
I THOUGHT I was done for the month but a brief scan of the headlines turned up a nice story to share. This link will take you to a story...
UP early again as the weather has fast-forwarded thru ‘Fall’ directly to ‘Winter.’ I made the first little token fire last night and...
24 Ø MMXX UP early on this Saturday morning and I think cartoons are in order. I did more adult and
UP early on this Saturday morning and I think cartoons are in order. I did more adult and age-appropriate news headline browsing out of...
XXII Ø MMXX NO LIMITS lo of lows as the world & life CONTINUES to utterly confound logic and reason.
NO LIMITS lo of lows as the world & life CONTINUES to utterly confound logic and reason. Gaps filled and details follow. Yesterday I...
20 Ø 20 Struggling is or seems to be the operative word as the world is totally hosed. I cannot nor
Struggling is or seems to be the operative word as the world is totally hosed. I cannot nor will not speak for anyone else but personally...
Struggling this Sunday morning early finding it difficult to start the engine. Late yesterday I realized the cause of the problem and...
Ides of Ø 20 Insanity and chaos rule. Sit back and relax for the WHOLE truth and stuff too incredibl
Insanity and chaos rule. Sit back and relax for the WHOLE truth and stuff too incredible to believe … almost. On the run yesterday and...
Ocho Ø XX Late night recap of another glorious day focused around morning trip to Sherman … one of m
Ocho Ø XX Late night recap of another glorious day focused around morning trip to Sherman … one of my new favorite places. On the way...
7 Ø 20 Waiting for the dawn and first light so I do not have to work in the dark. I think ...
I have half of the catch up work out done … Like working out and using the backlit keyboard AND sipping coffee, such things can be done...
Carry on my wayward son ... (continued ...)
Tuesday 6 O 2020 After some difficulty navigating the disgraceful highway and toll road system of Houston, getting NOT LOST but...