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XXII Ø MMXX NO LIMITS lo of lows as the world & life CONTINUES to utterly confound logic and reason.

NO LIMITS lo of lows as the world & life CONTINUES to utterly confound logic and reason. Gaps filled and details follow.

Yesterday I received a new phone. Well, not really new but according to my magenta friends at t-mobile, under the warranty program I received a ‘previously owned, refurbished’ upgrade.

Seriously this is how the ‘fine print’ is written.

The damaged galaxy 7S (G7) is now obsolete and the lowest they could provide as the upgrade was G8S. I SHOULD be delighted with the number and all however …

There is a G9, G10 AND the latest/newest G20. So even tho I got an ‘upgrade’, I am four (4) levels of tech behind.

Not sure if I am pissed off OR should feel pissed ON.

Learning by fire aka trial and error … new icons which seem to be terribly dumbed down and totally without character.

Some protocols are different, some missing or I still need to figure them out all of which robs me of time.

But who cares? It’s PROGRESS.

As an example of 'progress' here with the new wix update/upgrade, I SEEM TO have the link thing sorted out and three (3) are included in this report.

This first one details four NASCAR teams being slapped like prison bitches over a lug nut violation.

Don’t ask me. I thought … ‘LUGS NUTS? … Is nothing sacred anymore??’

And this one about flying squirrels. They WILLL wreak havoc when they hit the windshield at speed and start causing wrecks or sorry, traffic accidents.

Under dazed and confused …

Wouldn’t doing damage to the porn industry be a GOOD THING? I have a call into Martha I (Stewart) for the ‘official’ definition of a 'good thing'.

Prayers to R Limbaugh. I see headline that his ca has metastasized and is now terminal. In THAT line of work one never knows if it is real OR a ratings ploy. Assuming it is real and will say a prayer regardless. Life is and always will be precious.

Moving along …


EMMA !! Always delighted when you check in.

I was in the mood for adventure last night and started watching a series on telly from Oz. Soberingly real and not the image at all of the Land Down unda, it is a murder/mystery/detective series and I’ll have to report the name later. It can be found on amazon prime and is different enough to be interesting with unknown actors and quirky characters.

On the docket this day is travel up 75 Central to Sherman. Silver has had the electrical issue located, solved and repaired and ready to be picked up. While up there and in town I can make a couple of other stops. See how the Upholstery Girl has hung my art work for one. The shoe repair place for two or would it be too. (?)

Then head further N to meet up with a new friend Glen. That kind of rimes. I THINK it is only one ‘N’. After talking on the phone, he sounds like the avoid keystrokes kind of guy and deposited here on Earth well BEFORE spelling with two (2, dos) ‘Ns’ was trendy or fashionable.


Emma, you’re hanging in AND paying attention. Good on you.

Rick the arborist (aka my tree guy) during his visit last week provided me Glen’s number. So I made a couple of calls and tracked him down.


Glen has a sawmill, cuts wood and has a collection of wood. See where it’s going?

Poor Richard showed up yesterday and wants to go along for ‘firewood’ but schedules won’t mesh this time.

I am not most keenly interested in lumber, or board feet but rather ends, pieces and what I have come to learn and call ‘live edges’.


Ha, you DON’T know everything.

A ‘live edge’ is the ragged side of a piece of wood usually trimmed, cut off and disposed of for waste. Poor Richard wants to get them for firewood strictly to burn.


NEVER give up girl.

Live edges are in demand for the oil holders and bases. The Process is to get a kosher size, drill 3-5 holes with the Forstner bit and add some paste wax finish and BAM. $20-30 per. Can you say artsy-fartsy? FB is customer #1 and her 'group'.

And closing, Martha I just PLUMETTED further with her association with this sick (bad) actor. No link, just the headline this time. Talk about a creep factor …

Richard Gere Called Martha Stewart And Asked If He Could Have The Cake She Made On TV

Seriously ??

Remember to wash your hands.

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