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National Sex day 2019

Why not ? There was an entire MONTH for ‘mental health’ and so many other nonsensical ‘days, weeks and month’ such as National donut day, this will be a new holiday, lower case, celebration details will follow.

Beautiful Sunday morning and Mass today due to the 2nd Saturday show conflict for the favored 5:00 vigil Mass.


Yes. First one in quite some time, months actually.

I sold a small print of the pen & ink tall ship the high school masterpiece and for the longest time it looked like it would be my sole masterpiece.

Also sold the ‘Mojitoville’ sign. I’ll see if I can dig up the file and post the image. So all that was exciting. A nice couple from McK bought the sign, she a horticulturist and has encountered similar problem with 'mint going wild.' She loved it. And this morning I am saddened because I miss it. IT was such a cool sign with the scarlet maccaw with wings flared.

Making breakfast as the morning wears on. The Sunday morning new eclectic music mix program is on in the background setting and rounding out the ambience.

Quite pleasant however were there anyone else present I am 100% positive it would be ‘too hot.’ Ido NOT miss complaints. Especially wrt the internal climate.

The cement pond is looking good and inviting so today might be the day for first full-immersion dip.

Finishing off the hot coffee and to follow is the already commenced biblical breakfast of wine & bread. Slow cooking the thick bacon in the large iron skillet so it is a process and just need to keep an eye on things.

Overnight e-post to the inbox finds email from Down Unda. Emma reports the big discussion there is ‘global warming’ or maybe ‘climate change.’ I MUST somehow get word to her to get THEM to move passed such a frivolous topic for discussion.

Lunch Friday with Pat & Bob was much fun. Such a delightful couple, well-informed and conversational. Name a topic and we touched on it EXCEPT climate change. They officially made the Christmas card list so they have that to look forward to.

Emma, here’s your ammo. Warming and change has been going on for THOUSANDS of years. Ax them what the AVERAGE temperature was during the Jurassic period. See how many know.

NEWSFLASH: the sun WILL flame out. Worry more about THAT !

For as long as records have been kept, on average the temperature has raised half-a-degree or some such nonsense barely recordable OR that data point could be a statistical ANOMALY. SHEESH !

I guess that’s it for now.

Euphoric with yesterdays sales, the nice weather and training progress.

Many, MANY other planned activities this day and I am sure some unplanned ones will pop up as well.


Of course. I was hoping you’d maybe forget.

Married couples celebrate this day without hesitation, question or reservation(s). Those ‘in love’ can extend celebration to a week or the entire month or more by making the request in writing however this action and activity should be kept silent and private. I mean no one wants or needs to know THAT business.

Homos & queers … disgusting. NOT allowed, not worthy of debate or discussion. Like global warming.

End of time AND space

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