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15 Jan 15

Still cold, still holed up but the sun is shining so there is an element of cheer that I now realize has been absent for some days, perhaps weeks. A numerically significant or patterned day anyway so lets spin it up as the Ides of Janus.

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I have been staying fairly busy. The bed frame is stalled for the moment if you are following that progress at home. A metric glide missing should be forthcoming maybe next week. I ended up contacting the frames maker, exchanging photos & emails so I am just waiting for it to arrive before final assembly.

I have a small flock of shore birds in various stages of undress. I put in two (2) sets of eyes today. Texturing & feathers are underway & continuing.

The glued head-to-body of a blue wing teal was taken out of the monster clamp today. To follow is a very fun operation blending the two pieces smoothly to be unnoticeable. Sawdust flies, loud noice, sanding & when done the joining line will not be seem especially when covered with paint.

Actually been hitting the job hunt scene heavily. Just banging away. Relentlessly. ALMOST. A little every day anyway.

Thursday & weekend looming large. FB & Crew featuring little FBNextGen arrive Friday afternoon blowing into town. First plan was ‘no time’ for visit to McK so it looked like I would dodge the cleaning bullet but fluidity being the watchword that changed so now the plan is for Sunday afternoon spending Sunday night before heading back on Monday. This all possible with the MLKing Monday holiday. So some cleaning WILL BE on the docket.

Patty is scheduled for meetings & planning sessions to make travel to the time share condo in FL successful. We reviewed the literature Wednesday night and next is a number of lists of things to take. Dates will not be divulged here yet for security. Not sure if a trip report wwill be availble either.

OK. Must dash.

I also set up an Etsy account so have been working on carvings to sell there. A couple of decoys, shorebirds & a fish. I ALMOST worked on the view from Dukes yesterday. I have a plan anyway. Now looking to wrap it up sooner than later. Plan is to hang this one in the billard roon on the far large wall & do another ‘quick & dirty’ specially coated for the original external placement outside the kitchen window.

Then I MUST sit down with the tax situation & data. Must take the time here to max out the refund.

Idle hands are the tools of the devil my Mom would say.

Amen Mom.

Bill over.

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