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14 August 2015

Friday & doing the Happy Dance but I don’t know why. Well, yes in fact I do but I am just so NOT a dancer.

With the lone exception of late, VERY LATE, at night, around a huge fire, probably semi-necked &/or semi to fully over-served. Hopefully you are catching the drift.

Coffee this morning is divine. Sad to say the Ethiopian gourmet is gone so this day it is Kona, 100%, no blend, hot & black. Did I say divine ? That said, looking for a big day.


Not at all. I am FIRED up. I’ll get into it right here, right now, as usual.

Yesterdays bike ride was earlier than normal & I had a huge volume of what we called playing hockey as ‘jump’. The legs felt really good, strong & no problem moving then quickly & for durations at a time. It was great & looking for that to repeat here in a bit.

Patty came over yesterday for dinner & a ride. A small mechanical problem prevented the ride so I need to take the bike to Allen to the shop. While out & in the vicinity, make a stop at Cal’s for some art work projects. Crosses to cut out & the now infamous second gen (think REVISION A) of the kitchen book rack/holder. It sure would be nice to have a big band saw & drill press in a shop like my garage. Need more room.

The 4-hour Workweek is already a good read & moving to great. I could plug it into the ‘self-help’ genre but others may get the wrong idea. I am feeling it might be more a life style enhancement guide book. The style is very much like my own so extremely easy & fun to read. PLUS making much sense to far.

Tonight I am looking at attending a 75th birthday celebration for my friend Harold at Mitas Hill Vineyard & Winery. I want to give him a nice cross & inscribe & sign it to mark the special occasion for the old boy. I am thinking the weathered wood with the crude white coral cross fastened at the intersect. Simple, elegant, crisp, very sharp & very smart.

I need to start my third (3rd) watermelon of the summer. I really like a nice, cold piece of sweet watermelon as a summer treat. Red only & SEEDED. PLEASE. A yellow or orange & seedless ... what kind of pinko are you?

The REAL Deal. One slice at a time. I get a visual that YOU are thinking of an anaconda eating the whole thing at one time. Fans, that is NOT me.

I have a very sick or stressed out houseplant that needs attention. If I didn’t know better, I could say it was dying. Very sad. I think it might even need a therapist but I can take care of it. I have come to know this plant semi-well professionally of course & it listens. I have a plan of attack for a treatment & return to health.

This afternoon second the round of the PGA is on telly. The last major of this year & I have my list of favs & otherwise. One otherwise would be Eldrick Woods who was missing putts like crazy yesterday which was fantastic to watch.

So you can see that today already is shaping up for a great launch into the weekend. The ROW (rest of the weekend) is highlighted by biking & training rides. The HH100 is in two weeks & Patty is looking at jumping to two-a-days BOTH days. Some swimming, eat some light & little high quality, high-octane fuel, Mass Sunday morning, rest & some relaxation watching the end of the PGA, off & on, with one good eye except down the final stretch where ideally it will be an exciting photo phinish involving at least a couple of my phavorites.

This is Bill pedalling my butt out of here.

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