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Fat Tuesday 2015

This is it. The last day before the Lenten observance begins. I am so waiting for it to begin I am up early in anticipation.

It is just 7:00 AM & the coffee is a pecan flavored from New Mexico. While I am not a big fan of the pecan nut, the flavor imparted to the coffee is exquisite, different & most enjoyable this day. MOST days in fact.

The reasons I could no longer stay in bed this morning once again are many & folded.

Taxes have resurfaced as a very high priority. Talk about ‘folded’ … here is a brief explanation. The refund isn’t received until the forms are filled out & submitted. The forms cannot be filled out and filed without the data. The data is raw & very much scattered. It needs to first be compiled, sorted THEN sent. THAT’S what I am TALKING ABOUT. For one & starters.

I need to give the castle a once over. I mean it looks like Haley’s comet passed by as there are debris fields EVERYWHERE. A third party spectator would wonder if anyone was injured. But when one lives alone, is all by themselves, gets no visitors & has fewer friends,


OMGosh. Is that you FB or a twisted therapist from the past? Which pile are you speaking from under? SHOW or IDENTIFY YOURSELF AS ONE OR THE OTHER !! IMMEDIATELY OR SOONER ! PLEASE.

Moving along…

There is the monthly Big R alumni lunch today. Really too cold to go out but I must brave the elements & consolidate trips into one later this morning. Need to swing by Cal’s real quick for a carving (painting) issue/question on the bwt.

The bike shop for a screw. NO, NO, NO … NOT that kind. Foto mount a light on Patty’s bike.

To the Asian market to look for golden tilefish & replace a broken rice bowl. Patty is coming for dinner & celebrate Fat Tuesday with fish & wine (white) for the the beginning of Lent. The golden tilefish recall from the Florida adventure was excellent & the wine is the last until Easter. Last call for alcohol (any) for forty (40) days. NOT HUGE but do we need jusification to celebrate? REALLY ??

A couple of small items from the Home Depot.

What else you ask ? Projects.

I mentioned the bwt. The sign is nearly all carved out & the next major step is connecting top & bottom and preps for hanging and painting. Also going over the NEXT AND future sign designs. This is a sickness BUT NOT an ADDICTION or ADDICTING. It is so much fun & they have the potential to be spectacular & stunning much better than I have them planned.

I guess that’s about it for now. The coffee is cold, time for a free refill. Must keep moving.

Muy frio este dia

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