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8:30 ALL DAY

Just waiting for it to come around again, the sun to set for things to cool down with dusk the darkness. I have been fed, relaxing now revving up for writing and admin-type work this evening until the AC comes on and electricity is free.

This will probably do it for Au (or Ag) 18 until S and look to go deep into the month with the Monday holiday. Inquiring minds are wondering if Labor day will remain on the new calendar and the short answer is yes. AND it will remain the first Monday following the first Tuesday in the month.

This next piece from the ridiculous fraudulent news headlines illustrative of the slowness news day.

This woman claims ‘voices in her head’ made her do it. REALLY ? SERIOUSLY ? Now THERE’S a NEWSFLASH.

That’s what she said … that’s what they ALL SAY.

Quick Ethel, call a therapist. Sounds like textbook ptsd I'm thinking.

On other fronts, a productive day. Two (2) steps closer to completing the MAST tee-shirt design.

Spoke to the shirt folks and the graphic designer getting the logo, front, back and sleeve art work just right.

I finished the latest read. Daniel Silva ‘The Heist’ is superb. Fast moving and fast paced and worth the time for sure. This one truly was hard to put down. I was telling Walt yesterday it had three key elements which all contributed to ease of read and enjoyment.

An above average story, well told, short chapters with nice (short) break points in the chapters so easy to put down and pick up again. That is IF or when you could put it down.

I was paying a visit to Walt as he had a terrible accident. He fell down when his leg buckled after a walk which I did not envision or he did not explain well. Walt’s in pretty good shape and is a walker/hiker and we have ridden bikes but not lately. He had surgery right away and was resting on the couch at home the next day when I dropped in for a visit and left some reading material. He had a brace on the one leg and it is very restrictive. For six, SIX (6) weeks no less before he can start PT.

I attended a DevCom (Development Committee) last night at St Michael’s. I like the leader Tom. Finally and at last meetings that have an agenda AND he circulates minutes. I mentioned to him that when I was in the work force, every meeting I held had an agenda circulated or at the very least passed out before AND minutes of action items or assignments afterwards.

Sure enough today the minutes came out. Much more conducive to my work style than the art community which was like hurding cats and all over the place. It got to a point where I was thinking artists might really not be all that bright. You know, kind of dense, slow & thick.

It looks like the well is dry. I feel like I have an iota of momentum which was part of the intent so moving along and on.

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