Dos equis September and the image today is a stylized representation of the Maya number 18. You may have seen it before here but today it fits like a tailored glove. It is abbreviated for '2018' as is a common practice which you already know. It's called taking 'liberties' or 'license' on my end.

It is early, a Thursday morning and much to do once again this day.
I am expecting a visitor and I TRIPLE MUST scramble (3x)to attain an semblance of order in both the gallery(ies) and studio aka garage.
The visitor is a fellow McK artist (Potts) and I visited his studio and shop yesterday for a consultation on power tools for woodworking. Potts is expanding his horizon, repertoire aka skill set and requested advice. There is the short of it.
I have some bits for power carving tools I don’t use and he can so I can lighten my cluttered work area and later estate by parting with said tools.
Also into consideration this day is positioning and posturing for the weekend.
Right now it is topped off & full with events now juggled to fit from Friday night reception at the Cove (gallery) and an exhibit by a local artist who recently visited Oaxaca, Mexico. I have a massive cookbook, Oaxaca al Gusto, autographed by Diana Kennedy, from this region interspersed with local art and it is with some anticipation to see how her work was influenced by her visit.
Saturday is packed. Work, chores and Mass. A potluck supper afterwards and from there a party.
Sunday looks like rest and ‘free time’ to be wisely used.
OK. Just finished (now) the LAST episode of season III of Poldark so that it is done and can be returned. Recall from previous entry that IV as a series starts NEXT WEEK on local PBS HOWEVER I am fully capable of ‘holding that thought’ and waiting until IV AND V for that matter are available on digital media to finish the story and see how everything turns out. After all, it is FICTION and while very good and well done, it is all the product of someone’s imagination and has evolved with characters, plots & twists resembling all the above of a soap opera.
IOW, better things to do between now & then.
Yesterday the next new read arrived US Post. A collection of short stories by Ambrose Bierce. I started reading the first one last night before bed and the first paragraph was OK but I had to go back and reread it being somewhat unaccustomed to the change in format, content & style.
Then I fell promptly to sleep so mission accomplished.
More on Bierce and ‘In the Midst of Life: Tales of Soldiers & Civilians’ in later reports.