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Stormy Monday. What a great name for a stripper! I am sure there is one out there but NO PICTURES por favor.

The Studio Tour is over and the much anticipated annual event scheduled for today was postponed early Friday via email due to PREDICTED inclement weather. True to the accuracy of weather tracking & technology, it is a MISERABLE day, a day now with ‘free’ time and I don’t want to get out of bed.

I hear the occasional car carrying working stiffs to the local salt mines and inwardly am pleased I am NOT playing golf today. While I had gotten some work in on my game in the weeks prior to, it wasn’t ready to ‘travel’ and attempt CCC.

Too many conflicts with the studio tour leading up to the event and the weather cancellation truly was an act of God. He is THEE Master at evening out the playing field and administering fairness. Most of the times the masses (aka the herd) don’t given it a second thought.

But not your correspondent. I think it safe to say We are tuned it ...

Birthday greetings have gone out to Son One aka Br12 & now Bd12 as a 2018 champion Bulldog requesting what, where and when would be a good time to celebrate.


Not sure if it is raining at the moment but it had rained earlier. We have 16 downstairs on the main deck, 15 on the upper quarter-deck and 12 bunk-side on the super sensitive temperature measuring device. The wind squalls on occasion and yesterday afternoon late I started a fire in conjunction with the Clean Garage campaign. Lots of burnable waste wood such as ends & scraps turned up.


I’m spinning …

Attendance record was TIED for all-time hign. I was certain it would be shattered with Saturdays single-day record but Sunday fell off for the tie.


Mostly smalls well into the two-figures. Note cards & prints and one gentleman with a dreadfully obnoxious wife bought some raw material ... weathered wood.


I WAS being polite AND courteous spreading the conversation around and when it was his turn she would chirp in how cold it was. At one point I just looked at him and we had a non-verbal man-to-man chat aka bonding moment. It went something like this …

‘Sir (he WAS older) you apparently do not own a fire arm or have it with you. If you couldn’t, don’t or wouldn’t use it, I will spare you the dishonor and do it for you. It would be all over in a second. I would consider it a favor served, an honor and a privilege to free your soul from this wretched she-beast.’

Clearly this gentleman had taken his vows very seriously for I sensed this feel under that heading ‘for better or worse.’ Again, CLEARLY the latter.

You always meet many more nicer people than turds I am discovering.

That’s enough.

I gots to roll out, post this ‘C+’ effort, get dressed and about my day. Coffee or tea another BIG DECISION IDK yet, DEFINITELY start a small fire if for nothing else the psychological warmth provided.


Why yes I do.

However unlike the poor gentleman that bought the wood on Saturday, there is not another here to otherwise complain OR remind me that it is in fact cold.

Perhaps like him I can ‘block’ out the cold.

Perhaps he has a hearing issue with no aid (?). Perhaps he has the hearing aid but turns it off to tune the malice unit out OR to conserve the battery for more important times when needed? All speculations.

‘Lord, Thank you for sparing me a place in such a living Hell.’

I am going to enjoy the cleaned up Gallery of the cloud, The Studio on Pecan Hill or as I sometimes prefer to call it … the Louve.



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