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J Last 19

A rare evening entry on a Classic winter evening here at the cloud. Cold outside, a nice fire going in the fp, Stars v Sabers on the Stars flagship station and your correspondent is well-fed and content.

Life IS good.

The firewood is substandard but a little better than average for here and the fireplace is more about the aesthetics v heat and warmth most of it going up the chimney. But it FEELS warm because more

often the fire must be fed and close it is very hot and prolonged exposure is uncomfortably warm.

Supper was I guess you could call it Italian coast seafood.


Of course.

Pasta noodles with plenty of garlic and oregano. It helps to have a very healthy stand in the back kitchen jardin and dried and at the ready.

Shrimp this time cooked to perfezione with assorted available vegetables. Carrots, snow peas, white onions and shredded collards.

The nano-salad was fresh lettuce which was a most pleasant surprise of ‘volunteer’ buttercrunch, mixed sprouts, diced white onion, fresh onion greens, estate parsley, olive bar olives, mushrooms, tomatoes OR red peppers not sure which, sunflower seeds, sliced Honduran cheese and I am certain I am forgetting 1 or 3 items.

The wine was of course white, a jug of house white Chablis, room temperature and folks it was spectacular.


Not necessary. Seconds with a couple of plump shrimp, pasta and vegetables.

The shrimp are a story.


Don’t mind it I do.

The advertised special was ‘jumbo’ but I had been NEARLY duped by this before. These were ‘farm raised’ imported from, get this from India.

I spoke to Jake the meat counter monger of past visits and I opted for an American product, wild-caught Texas shrimp. About $3.00/lb more in a 2 lb bag but worth every penny. Buying American is the big push now and taking money from Indians works for me. They were the most arrogant customers during my shortish career at Home Depot and I could not agree more with the assessment of my late and former neighbor in Richardson Captain Bandy. He told he more than one time as he shook his head and both looked away AND walked away muttering ‘filthy people.’ Mr Bandy was a great human, patriot and good guy. Took good care of Mrs Bandy and was a customer buying a pair of decoys. In fact, I credit Mr Bandy with inspiring me for the diorama concept. He took the decoys and positioned them on a low cadenza with a large autumnal painting as the background. When he first showed it to me I was bith stunned, impressed and awestruck at the way it all fit together.

Anyway, that’s about it. First intermission. Stars up 1-0 and must turn off the radio for the radio voices between periods are aggravating and annoying.

OK. Brought Silver into the barn and restoked the fire. The second period is underway.

Big night tomorrow as the red carpet and Hollywood comes to McK for second of five (5) nights of filming for Artists and Chefs. Kjell is in. We spoke earlier this evening and she gets full marks. I lost a small bet with self that maybe she would get cold feet and back out. Such was not the case. So this was NOT the kind of bet one (me) minds losing. She was travelling earlier in the week and got back late today so all good. The Plan is set and we shall mingle with the ‘high society’ in this big-time social affair.

Exciting, fun yes but stressful as well. Right now I cannot think of a better companion and sidekick that would be better suited.

This morning I ran to Richardson to assist S1, Br12 with an artistic restoration project he is deeply involved with and nearly completed.

I guess now that is officially it. Talked out so watch the fire, listen to the game and figure out filling the time until show time tomorrow.

The TLT (textured light tie) should be ready for pickup tomorrow to wear tomorrow evening.

There are a number of additional follow-up outings coming up to pitch to Kjell during the night coming right up. There is the Derby in May, possibly the jazz festival in Montreal maybe this year, a murder mystery theater 9 F among others she would be grande & elegante accompaniment for. I think she would like them also must ping if she is interested in possibly a Stars game. She is not fond of crowds so I remedied that by providing comfort staying close and ‘joined at the hip.’ Should not be a huge problem as I am not expecting many or ANY one I know being at this event.

I wrote a short story yesterday and polished it up today. The story is kind of a romantic tear jerker if I had a gun to my head and was so pressed for a label. I was inspired by a new band I discovered by the name of Greta Van Fleet. They sound a lot like Led Zeppelin and their original works could pass for and fool a numb mind. Just kids but kicking it.

I am assuming Emma is in the temporary quarters in Oz waiting the em or immigration. No problem kid as I am NOT worried however continue to pray for you and Sir Ron.

This is Bill, yawning and smiling.

Stars & Sabers trading rushes but both goalies are playing large. Good game.

Fading fast …

Stars win 1-0. You CAN win with one (1) goal IF you’re goal tender is on his game.

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