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I woke up this morning and simply COULD NOT wait to fire up this machine and see what the Cardashians were up to and what thrills and excitement they had generated overnight.

Moving along, thrilling game 4 last night in Big D as MY Dallas Stars opened the can of Whoop-ass and TROUNCED my (former) Nashville team in a laugher. It’s about time. The radio never sounded better. The announcers were giddy, the fans raucous ALL night long until the final horn sounded.

Then I retired to bed early, no traffic after the game and the predicted ‘nasty weather’ failed to materialize.

This morning the air is fresh like after a Spring rain storm which it did and the birds are singing in tight melodies from nearly every tree.

Yesterday a Mom AND drake duck were spotted on the cement pond. With pop around maybe this time they will get it right, avoid the tragedy and have a happier ending.

Also in yesterdays news, I finished the table top. A major work, delivery today and Rick from Have Truck, Will Travel will be stopping around for the short delivery trip to Allen. This is a ‘barter’ job vs a cash tranny so I need to light a fire under Sarah for the shirt or the extra ties. Pronto.

Getting ready for back-to-back shows starting NEXT weekend. I think I am in pretty good shape knock on wood. I need to adjust prices carefully for the first one which is local known market in favor of higher returns the following weekend and the one-day show in Houston. First entry into that market and we are praying ‘lucrative’ enough for a curtain call or repeat performance. But it matters not. I have told several people that my life does NOT depend NOR revolve around art, sales and work. It is rather simply a place holder or time killer as I await that rapid cognitive decline and exit this world for that all-elusive ‘better place.’

Again yesterday, a meeting downtown to start and review sign design for a new shop that opened up.

Two sisters, wealthy and both beginning young Families. Cute shop and prospects are speculative for a second sign if the first thrills them.

I guess that’s all for now. Rick should be arriving soon to load and deliver the table top.


No. It isn’t that photogenic to look at more ‘functional’ and besides, I wrapping up so don’t be RUDE

with interrupting and let me move on.

Anyway, where was I … ?

A quick stop at the bank and back to breathing the saw dust.

Fun, fun, fun …

aloha from the cloud.

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