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Enjoying a simply beautiful morning this day in the solarium sipping scalding coffee from a new bag and brand of lesser notoriety and quality so when I switch back to the Lavazza or Kona it will be a larger treat. It’s a little trick or treat I play with my mind and taste buds making new neurological pathways.

So anticipating thee most FAQ, all over and busy therefore starting is the problem.


The pre-training regimen is falling into place. With the weather cooperating I will get four (4) longer training rides in this week. After Mondays initial ride at the documented blistering pace (or was it Sunday ?), the wind and traffic slowed the pace and ride on Wednesday. For a brief time my mind was focused on a set-back but there were forced slow-downs due to safety considerations. One cannot break a record every time out. Yesterday because of the late start was a risk even before starting. Going again today a bit earlier however a goal and a ‘record’ are secondary.

Yesterday I got a text from Rob and we rode up to Chambersville and the tree farm site of Bloom Dango a couple weeks ago. There was a turtle sunning in the road stuck between the yellow lines.

A quick recon revealed a bog, swamp or small pond where he was literally headed. His head was out and pointed in that direction so I had gloves and picked him up and gave him a toss towards the water. He hissed a bit in anger (or Thanks ?) and he landed just short of the water bouncing in on one (1) hop.

Rob protested and it was a quick argument. Like I COULD have left her there and another vehicle made turtle pizza.

Once at the farm, we split up. Rodney who I met during the show took me on a cart/atv and we looked at some sick, dying and dead Japanese maples for sculptures. Rob went with Dean the owner & Clyde to look at some very rare and hard to find thornless roses.

When Rob was settling up Dean took me down to his shop and all I can say was WOW. He had collected and that is about the most accurate way to describe his stack or wood and the machines.

For example, there was a disk sander. No big deal. A lot of people have them but this one was 36 INCHES. Most are in the 12-16 range and 18 inches is a large one. This one was HUGE.

Same with the band saw. He could set it up to rip very large boards and in a word because I AM TIRING it was STAGGERING.

A giant lathe same thing. I mean Donnie has one but this one was 10x. A joiner that was a monster and the largest drill press I have EVER seen. I mean I can’t even imagine one larger.

After that I stopped at La Street gallery to inquire about putting some work there on a trial basis.

Artists ‘rent’ shelf space. I got prices and would only have room for 2,3 or 4 pieces. The cool thing for everyone is that the shelf facing the street so being the only carver a large decoy would certainly be a draw.

It is an expense but deductible and got to spend some to make some.

Bill checking out for the outdoors, a second cup of cheaper coffee and the walkabout.

The edible pod peas are running. Getting about one or two a day and they go into the freezer for that stir fry maybe next month.

By popular demand, images from McK travels this week since last report.

Adios Howling Dog.

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