25 S Humpus dia
Entered the dark hour and issuing this report. Three (3) months until Christmas and I have some shopping done, some gift plans in the hopper and can rest comfortably knowing that the only concern is the Chirstmas card design. And that will come like Divine Inspiration. I just know it.
Emma checked in yesterday. Of course I knew she was all right. Just temporarily out of touch while her & Sir Ron get new infrastructure up and running. She mentioned something about ‘familiar’ roadkill and lost me on that one. Seems like in Oz there were ‘no rules’ on road kill. I’ll have to request further details and report back to readership.
Yesterday I had coffee & breakfast sort of with MarthaV (five).
No. Not at all. It was I that missed a ‘Martha’. Recall the Franzia Project and the widow of John H Williams THAT would have been Martha IV so I forgot OR miscounted. Short lived, two or three phone calls, a couple of letters or cards via US mail but never met. I did ‘reach out’ to Martha IV later but like Taylor Swift and Christie Brinkley they just do NOT return calls. So rude.
YOU COULD SAY I forgot I will say I missed a count. That’s if you’re keeping score at home.
We over chatted and I missed or had to reschedule and appointment for today at the tree farm. I called Dean and he was free this morning so I will take a ride up there.
Last night was Rangers v red sox from Arlington on local radio. Closing out the season in a meaningless game sox ‘holding on’ for a 12-10 win in a real pitchers duel. Series continues tonight and I am thinking rounding up S1 and going Thursday as it is an afternoon tilt. Might be fun to do to a day game, sweat off the buns and watch the bums. I MIGHT wear my Astro’s cap, root for the Rangers as I am still upset with the red sox for NOT repeating. They messed with karma NOT accepting the invitation and visiting the White House.
I did manage to mail a packet of documents to my cousin yesterday. I went back to the old local mail drop and had to put up with the little shuffle demon Augie. Talk about slow moving. The kid would have to think it over if his pants were on fire. I have another corkboard ready to ship so I may, MAY go back to the UPS store and see if a repeat performance with her hotness could happen.
That’s about it.
I got to the range yesterday. I was near Oak Hollow so I hit a small bucket in the heat of the day. VERY clever and smart on my part. Some guy gave me the remaining balls from his large bucket and I really didn’t want them but it DOUBLED my session.
Well, that practice area isn’t set up well. The hitting area is slightly uphill and the background is such that it is difficult to track the ball(s) in flight. The target flags are too far apart but the turf is close cropped and good to hit from so that was most important.
I stopped to see Leon and we worked on a small framing project. I left a couple of things with him to finish at his pace. He lives near Westridge GC and said their practice area was a good place so I may try there as a convenience when I can’t get to Watters Creek when Ranger Rick has the free balls.
This was a lackluster entry.
Oh well. Sometimes it bees that away.
Better luck next time.