Sunday mid-morning 22 D
The grains of sand are rapidly running into the bottom of the glass. This could be the penultimate entry for 2019 as I prepare the Top 100 highlights and of course the 2020 Vision list aka ‘Resolutions.’
But wait.
The sun shines bright and warmly in the solarium on the upper deck. I have already this morning applied the third (3rd) coat of marine polyurethane to the Lake House commission sign and it needs four (4) hours before I can flip it over and start the same procedure on the front. The third coat, both sides and the colder ambient temperature is dragging out the process which is approaching excrutiating. But it WILL get done and delivered.
BTW it does look awesome.
Watering plants on this scheduled 4 hour break and already picked a few things up and I didn’t get hurt so it is apparently a safe day to clean.
Not sure if I want to take a bath or hopefully it warms enough to fire up the spa.
I did something really stupid and am paying for it.
I was cleaning the garage moving a board and it was only one piece, not far and I did NOT reach for the gloves. As a direct result, I took a splinter into the palm of my right hand, below the base of the thumb. I thought I got it all out immediately but apparently a couple of small pieces remain as the nasty little deep stingers indication infection persist this morning.
I was digging and digging deep last night to no avail and now I can’t tell if the root cause is the infection from the sliver OR irritations from the dig holes.
Occupational hazard however Lesson Learned. Once again. No shortcuts when it comes to safety for Bill.
The weather forecast here for the next few days is delightful. I am thinking a bike ride or three (3) every day the merc touches 16 is prime threshold temp for both a ride and the spa.
This morning S1 aka Bd12 and Br12 and I were going to skate a rehab, refurb or reconditioning program on the comeback trail but when I did not get a call, I checked the event calendar from the rink there was not an open session scheduled. Took care of that. I want to do a couple more sessions and then propose a one (1) game tryout as a UFA (unrestricted Free agent) for the Bulldogs. Last I heard they were 0-4 and were in need of some help.
If I die I’ll at least be having fun.
FINALLY, I have been informed by that changes are in store for the site and blog for 2020. Not sure how it is all going to shake out as time has forbidden reading all of the 'fine print' but indication was given current version would be ‘unsupported’ hence going away for a newer, better or ‘improved version’. See the drift ?
Time will tell.
William No Tell.