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D Twenty-fore

It’s here it’s FINALLY here. Tomorrow after a brief hangover things will start approaching ‘normal.’ I for one CANNOT wait. But I can lay low for 24-48 hours no sweat so let’s roll.

Christmas cards trickling in which is a thrill when USPS mailman delivers something worth while.

Sir Ron & Emma from LUBBOCK, formerly Oz, Rich Uncle John, Kjell delivered a simply stunning bag of goodies like rum from her last foray to the Barbados. Warm breezes, sand and sun sound marvy about now.

Running around yesterday while stopped at a light the sun warmed the side of my face reminding me that it was NICE outside, had to be about 16° so I cut short errands and got home for a bike ride.



I started with the intention of four (4) laps in 60 minutes. Well, there was extra traffic with schools out for Holiday PLUS some construction on one of the sidewalks so I got three (3) laps in in the hour and far too many safety stops & slows.

The good news is I am living to tell about it.

10:03 pm

Going to turn in. Simply a great day and nearing the point of exhaustion.

A better bike ride early afternoon. Shaved seven (7) minutes off of yesterdays time. Less wind but the sidewalk construction was still up and traffic slows were plentiful.

Attended the Children’s vigil Christmas Mass which was as always a hoot. All the little ones are so amped up. The entertainment value is sky high.

I made a very nice traditional Christmas eve dinner with no meat, fish, potato and a form of cabbage. Dessert was potice with a glass of Bill’s blue lightning blueberry cordial and Folks, INSANELY good and an unbelievable culinary experience. Never has so little been appreciated by so few.

I was THINKING I could turn in but no. At 800 with the free electricity I started a turkey. It has the lower deck smelling fab PLUS it is warming up the joint.

So I’ll be up for a while yet.

Were I to fall asleep now, the turkey would be lost. The label says 3 – 3.75 hours which is before midnight so I should be OK.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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