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MMXX minus  1

COMING SOON … 2020 and this day starts bright, sunny and with some promise as we store up reserves, reflect and prepare for the new year and clean-up, file and discard the debris and waste from the old year.

I remember lucidly the days of calculating youth when having such Holidays fall on a Wednesday was the optimum condition. Stated otherwise, a Wednesday Holiday meant the most days out of school.

Today it doesn’t seem to make any difference. ONE (1) holiday and schools are shut down for the entire week. There is a ‘Spring Break’ at Easter, a ‘Fall Break’ the week of Thanksgiving and I am sure there are other examples and reasons why kids today aren’t as bright and sharp as WE are or perhaps MOST of the OTHERS WERE.

I just noticed on the trip out that schools are STILL CLOSED. That’s two (2) FULL WEEKS of education lost on impressionable little minds while emphasizing gifts, presents, treats and merriment.

I would bet there are parents refilling scripts of antidepressants and tranquilizars during this stretch.

Do NOT say I have not warned civilization and society as to the reason the race is gradually and subtly dumbing down. All to keep them marching in line, pay taxes and NOT pay attention.

So one stop was the credit union to break a couple of BF (Ben Franklins or C notes).

The young teller, a squeaky clean lad, axes how he can help me and I tell him I have a ‘tough one’ for him and explain exactly how I want the two large bills broken down.

He goes about his task counts and then recounts and asks if there would be anything else.

So my smart aleck rockets up and I say ‘yes. Can you put all the bills right side up and facing the same direction?’ Then the weird part started.


‘NO, no!! I was just kidding. Do people really ask you to do THAT?’ I said.

‘Oh absolutely’.

‘And you do it?’ Still shocked.

He only smiled, politely, indicating to me an affirmative.

I could see at that moment in time I would not be responding to the ‘now hiring’ sign at the TCU any time soon.

Why, I can hear myself telling the customer ‘Sir that’s a DIY task. Have a nice day. NEXT !!’

So getting prepped and revved up more for NYD than NYE. NYD S1 gifted us tickets to the Winter Classic game at the Cotton Bowl with the local Stars team versus the Predators from Nashville. This will be interesting as the weather is not all that cold to make ice naturally however the powers that be see a stadium of 85,000 and getting butt$ in tho$e $eat$ WILL BE ACCOMPLSIHED.

Duties call.

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