Saturday 18 J
Power day and the shortest of entries for this day will be so full as to overflow. Weather is seasonal but leaning towards slightly UNplesasant. The day WILL BE broken into 30 minute increments and observed in full until Mass time at 4:00 for cleanups.
So pay attention, short entry but packed and I am thinking near-term Classic Bill.
Last night after circling the bases for J17 I dropped in and watched one disc (dvd) with four early episodes of the Twilight Zone checked out from APL. Fans, uninterrupted by the vomitus commercials I was stunned, STUNNED by the absolute brilliance of each episode. The story, characters, plots & twists and the acting were all superb.
After retiring I looked up Rod Serling in the ePedia and while I knew he was from Binghamton there was a wealth of other interesting factoids.
Sorry Sweetie. Today that is DIY tasking as I am pressed and time is short AND running out.
O I No.
This time I mean it.
I WILL give you a quick for instance.
I have run or am running out of time for fire a salvo at HOA for 2020 ‘dues’ (aka ILLEGAL tax) without incurring late fees. These people are bastards and organized criminals of the highest degree and I intend to tell them so in ‘softer, kinder and gentler’ wording. Of course. But it is a shot and I will be doing the shooting.
There are a couple of issues or better stated ‘opportunities’ with the church. You may not be aware I have been struggling privately and personally with finding what is now called a ‘ministry’ where I might perform some service or function and be a good fit or ideally a great fit. I have failed here at least once. Then I stopped counting. There are two (2) Actionable Items one after review, investigation, counsel and a final assessment I must decline and one with great potential I must act upon for it could be the great and Divine Fit.
The laundry list includes laundry.
There are the art projects working. I spoke to a agent at WWAF yesterday regarding 2020 and 2021 shows sometime between first & second base and got some good g2 that sharing here now would be a squandering of time.
I tried to read Chesterton yesterday but ended up in a much needed nap until FB called.
I worked on the Wild Swine business plan. Met with two (2) of the internal principals separately and contacted the 4th via text for a call today to check interest.
It may, MAY get warm enough and bored enough to work a little in the dirt outside. Some gardening is a distinct possibility.

That is 18 in Mayan numerals. Lucky number, today’s day (date) so all the above are contributors to a strong and powerful day. Close to home. And of course Thanking God from 5-6 with the rest of the Flock.
I imagine I will eat something today however it is far from the highest priority.