J 26
Here I THOUGHT today (THIS) was Stupid Bowl Sunday!! But the powers that be (Austin Powers ?) manufacture a ‘nice’ delay for the hype to settle in and get JQ Public all pumped up for the COMMERCIALS and who cares as the game (LIV) becomes secondary.
That’s what it has become Phans so get over it. One must either find a way to block out the hype or simply live with it. OR, you COULD get caught up in it and go berserk. It really and truly matters not to Yours truly. Won’t be watching either the game or especially the commercials. Obnoxious. Totally.
At long last Emma checked in from Oz. I mean Lubbock. Oz sounded so much more … ‘romanitc’?
The update included her running battle with SSA. She finally engaged larger weaponry and got US Representative (elected) office involved and things are now moving FAST forward.
Yes indeed. Letter to Rep V Taylor's ofice was acknowledged this past week and I should be getting an appointment with SSA rep to explain my issue. I informed them no NEED to get more Staff involved at this time as I explained just get me in w/out the hours of waiting IN PERSON OR on hold on the phone as ‘all agents are busy assisting other customers.’ In my case it was a system
This is what those people are SUPPOSED to be doing and NOT passing silly laws, sedition or hindering the President from fulfilling promises to the American people.
Emma said that she was having trouble sleeping so she got up and got caught up on the blog. Which is a first and a NEW USE for this vehicle. I expected her account to end suddenly with three (3) dots …
Bill’s blog fight insomnia …
Also and finally, somehow I was directed to an ‘analytics’ page from the blog and I got a peek under the sheets, behind the scenes and behind the burqua with ‘a view’ statistics and Fans I am touched and torched.
Last week, views were up a staggering 741% !! This is phenomenal and I owe it all to YOU, the LOYAL readership.
True, no where near the levels of Rush Limburgh (YET) however GAINING ground at this stage is OK. I must keep delivering a quality product, working hard, praying and the revenues will come. I can feel it.
Reporting from Houston as today is FB’s birthday and what I high-energy par-tay.
The nextGENS fuel and energy levels are off the charts and NO SIGN of slowing down. Doing a bike ride next, a session in the spa and Mom’s choice of chicken wings, pizza or grilled hamburgers.
Simple fare as she has the day off.
I think I am good for one (1) more day this trip before heading back to McK, the cloud or the Mansion on Pecan Hill.
In the meantime, enjoying the all the frivolity, high-times and misdemeanors.
Bill out.