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29 Jan

A rare Mittwochabend entry and a full day. Stars v Leafs from downtown and starting to feel like maybe I brought home a little something from Houston and little Mike in the way of a gift that keeps on giving.

My head seems to be filling up, chilled and tired. I am thinking a good nights rest hopefully will shake it. I did laundry today to clean sheets and night cloths have that going in my favor. I think I shall try to sleep in.

Happy birthday to my brother. I called and spoke to him and Mom.

When I got back from Houston the patterns for the seagulls had arrived. They were life size which is 18 inches and I calculated for Watching the Shore.2 ,.3 & .4 body size needed to be 3.3 cm (33mm) and 65 mm for the largest 2’ x 4’ painting. The 33 mm is a little over an inch and difficult to cut out the profiles on the scroll saw. Challenging however I was able to keep fingers away from the blade which is always a good thing. When I finished I had 19 seagulls in both hands.

Kind of pumped up about this project at the moment. Tomorrow I can carve or whittle the heads with a knife roughly and then apply the power tool with the special bits for final shape and finishing. The project(s) are coming together quickly surprisingly.

Sunday was FB birthday and we had just a delightful weekend. The weather was actually warm.

One day rumor was it was around 70 which to me now is about 21°C.

I kicked a small bookcase in Mike’s room with a bare foot and thought it might be bleeding. I gave it a look and nothing so I thought it was ok. After a session in the spa, I had that foot up watching some kids movie and noticed the fourth toe on that left foot was a kaleidoscope of psychedelic colors. I asked Mike which on HE thought was hurting and he INSTANTLY pointed out the sore toe. I am sure there is a cracked bone but nothing could be done about it. Same as when I broke three toes on the other foot playing softball. Then I had to wear work boots for a few weeks. Even to sleep.

After I got home I realized why the boot was important . Not so much for support but solely for protection. I bumped it once and the pain was excruciating.

On Monday we went to an ‘upscale thrift store’ in the Woodlands and bought a number of items and didn’t spend $20 (US). FB has an artist’s eye and an entrepreneurs mindset and picked out things she could resell online on the various platforms she engages and is making a ‘killing’ with children’s clothing and other brand name items. I don’t know how she does it all but she showed me her running total and I was both surprised AND impressed which is rare for me.

This place had a toy section and Mike was soon lost wanting to take home trucks and various toys. I bought four (4) cordial glasses for a buck. Exquisitely shaped and on the small side. I also found a cd of Gregorian chants that was a real find in the digital music shelf. One ($1).

On a lighter note, I bought a travel guide ‘Off the Beaten Path Upstate New York.’ Sidney and Happy Valley didn’t make it as it is right on the border line between the Catskill Mountain Zone and the Finger Lakes region. Like we have been saying, it is in the Twilight Zone, neither here nor there and always crossing over into another dimension.

That’s it for tonight Fans. I started with good intentions, high energy and thought I had much more stamina. But I was wrong.

Apologizing to The Nation for the weak effort.

Sometimes it bees that way.

Better effort next.

Stars lose. Maybe that’s part of it.



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