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Lacking significant inspiration and motivation this day. Starting with a short entry Plan mostly editorials with quick comments. Afterall, despite the circumstances and situation, I seldom lack for things to do. Perhaps THAT will be a topic for an entry, essay or report at a later date.

But NOT NOW, today.

Sad news from the world of golf. Doug Sanders checks out. Always flamboyant with his colorful outfits back in the day, he was a good player and certainly had some great moments but couldn’t quite quack thru that thin layer of ice to the Greatness of superstardom.

He won many events (20) but only runner-up (4x) in the majors.

Good bye Doug Sanders. I think it would be interesting to play a round with him. Probably had a boat load of stories.

This is BEFORE Chuck Finley and the swingin' A's franchised the gold-green color scheme for ensembles.

From the other side of the planet, more absurdity. These people must not have tv, gardens or real hobbies over there.

OK. Show of hands. Who cares what Lance even thinks? One in the back ... did you knod off? Just say bye LA. Cheryl Crow knew what she was doing dumping this sorry situation comedy of errors. Pro-cyclists indeed. Wait, would Lance turn pro? Or are you writing another 'best selling book'?

Here’s a MAJOR concern NA here at the cloud … wondering which breeds are considered best as a food source should things get really bad. Still failing to grasp the allure, fascination and obsession with dogs or pets. Indoor dog activies indeed. How about darts ?

And here’s what a creative (IOW ‘unemployed’) engineer is doing to beat the shelter in place blues. BEFORE I saw the picture, I was THINKING or IMAGINING a yacht, wooden outboard motorized boat or something small and modest. Not this recycled mess.

I mean WHAT will they think of next ?

On topic, DO NOT sign me up for ANYTHING WRT ‘the herd.’ I am THINKING (again) this is what gets people in trouble. Drink this cool-aide, jump off that cliff, etc ... you get the picture.

The character of the Chinese showing thru with this next one. Stealing and hoarding water at the expense of the poor bastards DOWNSTREAM.

This charming PA lady goes viral with a sign looking for beer. I wonder if THAT will only work for beer? How about chicks? New IR&D project to CONSIDER.

And from the ‘free’ spirits in the ‘sanctuary nation’ of Cali.

It’s like give us you ‘fruitcakes, idiots, morons and imbeciles … and we will nourish and nurture them at the ‘little’ people’s (taxpayers) expense.

The ‘good people’ in SF ‘obeying the rules’ … as always. LMAOOL

OK. The cold front appears to have now passed thru and it should warm up a little today. Start the routine(s), attack the Plan(s) and get after it.

Looking for and waiting for my ‘Economic Impact Payment’. AKA stimulus check but NOT holding my breath. In MY case, I will be screwed in ANY CASE by a small technicality, oversight and I will believe it when I see the deposit slip. I have neither the confidence nor the faith in the government to anticipate nor expect such aid or assistance from the government.

Call it an attitude, experience or ptsd I REALLY DON’T care.

I’ll be here.

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