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A classic BEAUTIFUL Day underway here at the cloud. The sun has appeared however with some degree of difficulty the morning has a cool hint to it which according to script SHOULD warm as the day goes on and into the afternoon.

Returned from Houston yesterday after a fun visit.


Are YOU crazy? And invite every petty criminal KNOW I was gone? Open invitation to rob me blind and back?

The main purpose was to pick up my rebuilt bike to start training for the HH100. May 1 starts the informal training schedule and it picks up a bit from the ‘informal/lax’ as the program is referred to at this time.

This first part calls for a ride ANY day over 16° AND NOT raining. That phase is ending this week.

Friday informal and serious-to-plan begins. Now what this involves is on the four (4) training days per week again weather permitting I do a set or pre-determined time OR distance. This continues until 1 June when the formal and structured program starts with days, distances and/or times set up into a plan for going the distance WITHOUT dying.

Last year the conditioning thus attained was spot on and only expand & extend the limits this training season.

The same ‘rules’ will apply for weather or class conflicts.



The summer session at College will be running and I am chasing another degree. Seems I must take again the Network and Security courses I took back when I was working as the time has expired.

Both courses are online so my plan is speak to the instructors and focus more on the ‘hand-on’ labs which were ‘optional’ last time which I naturally skipped for time considerations and work. Can't use that excuse this time.

The bidding on Watching the Shore.3 has SURPASSED what I was planning to ask at shows. So I am SERIOUSLY rethinking the value of doing actual shows.

Oh sure they're fun and people are mostly cool but now as a business the bottom line is far and away MORE Cool.

The new ‘show’ may be online one piece at a time. The current auction runs 4-6 weeks or something. I am very happy with the handling thus far with the social media marketing and sales group engaged for this purpose. I haven’t looked at any of it and may not look at it just let then run with it. They seem to be having fun with it. I need to concentrate and focus on which project of piece to 'float out' next.

Coffee this morning is Kona and just lovely. A small celebration for safe return home and the auction running up.

In Houston, FB, the nextGENS and I went to the coolest nursery and bought some very special plants for the collections. FBnG has done a butterfly garden for a homeschool science project from a kit and she got a couple new plants and if the butterflies didn’t show up as SOON as we got home. It was AMAZING. I bought a couple of plants that attract dragonflies which will eat and feed on the mosquitoes.

So some avant gardening is on the list for today.

It is too nice to pound this keyboard and even just gaze out the window. I would rather BE outside and ‘thinking about’ being inside working on the keyboard.

Eight (8, ocho) months until Christmas. NOT TOO SOON to start the Planning phase.

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