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Yet another dismal dreary day and just when you think things could not possible get any more dismaler, they do. This morning, Sunday, my retooled training plan, being caught up and seeking to get ahead of a meaningless schedule, I was foiled. Again.

WHAA … ???

Yeah. I got up (fairly) early, dressed straight away to get out, on the ride and back before electroMass, and if it wasn’t a heavy mist with a high probability for more rain so I scrubbed for the time being but am keeping at the ready for possible ride this afternoon should conditions improve.

The forecast for the next ten (10) and that’s TEN days contains rain and or some chance of rain.

I have also decided to keep things on track as much as possible. This includes training rides for tone and weight control and in a few weeks classes will start which is another story.


I don’t think so. I am not wearing a mask and I am still looking for a silver bullet. My ride is Silver but it isn’t a horse.

I am observing social distancing which in my case is nothing new. The vast majority of the herd is contaminated, ill or mentally off OR a combination of two (2) or more.

I shall continue to lead the good life here, eating well, shopping smart and only when items are critical, getting my rest as frankly the rest of the world can fall into the sun or some yet-to-appear black hole.

Must dash. Only a brief report and update today. I MAY jump into the spa idk.

My admin duties are deep, the art campaign online and via my new social media team is BLASTING off so both design and inventories need attention. The staff is GOOD, know what they are doing but need pointing and directions from on high which is your truly.

FB has a dedicated drive, insight and savvy while KJ has all the formal tools and wherewithal to make things roar.

It’s a very exciting time to be me. Hang the epidemic.

Final tidbit of Wisdom … when things only seem bad, view same as OPPORTUNITY to take charge and move the needle in YOUR direction. (Chan)

To hell with the rest of the sounder (1).

1: sounder (definition 3), Funk & Wagnalls, The Big One. A herd of wild swine (p2323, last entry on the page. WS

ED note: I had to get the large, very heavy F & W down from its shelf place in the library because the Merriam-Webster both the app AND the other handy standard version each FAILED to yield this definition I needed. So the fact check here is accurate and contextually correct. WS/ed

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