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A lazy Saturday morning with NO PLANS except artisan work, coffee to empty the pot and cartoons for white noise.


NOT watching, just listening.

The Finalists were Rocky & Bullwinkle and Top Cat. Rocky won.

A bit frenetic at times but TC is too cerebral and requires paying attention which I am simply NOT into today.

Short entry because I really, REALLY want to work on a number of projects and plan the coming week to maximize and optimize time spent.

I don’t know if I mentioned Emma checked in from Lubbock. I think I did. She made GREAT Grandmother for the first time.

Must post up and run.

The first cup is cold from emptiness so to the garage I shall go. Make and breath some sawdust until attention span wanes and to the inside studio for some painting.

That Friends and neighbors is a Plan.

WS out.

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