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28 = 8 + 20

This day The Dark Hour slipped away and August is about to follow suit. I feel much better today, perhaps the rest is the reason or perhaps the giddiness is attributed to Friday and the approaching weekend.

Does it truly matter? I am going to enjoy and GO WITH IT.

Here are a few links I am forwarding and read them quick before they die or go dormant or are taken down. Whatever happens to links.

OpEd: I have been saying this and now someone has stolen my idea. Once again. This is FYI. This corona ‘virus’ reaction needs to be stopped and turned around. I am now betting the election will do just that.

OpEd: This is one of those ugly facts of life and a cutting Thanks to self for losing all that weight.

OpEd: Health news. Everyone should be concerned and strengthen their immune system at every opportunity.

OpEd: This for the weight lifters out there. OK. This one was for me but I decided to share.

Short entry again as more fun things are lined up for today. Like Ingins on the horizon.

I was awake during The Dark Hour and turned on the TuneIn app. I heard the most incredibly written story EVER. So much so that I made a note on my phone memo pad so I could look the playlist and listen to it again.



First response Ms Bold Caps, are YOUR DUES paid up in full?

I thought so.


Two characters, perhaps the same actor reading both parts one with a slight accent to differentiate.

One character is a priest narrator and the other is a man on his death bed. It was a sci-fi station so one had to be ‘loose’.

The dying man calls the priest for a most ‘urgent’ meeting and the priest after some argument reluctantly agrees to being there in 15 minutes. When the priest arrives the man informs the priest he is dying and not much longer is left. The second man keeps mentioning an ‘acrid smell’ in the room a number of times, it gets stronger and when he asks the priest if he smells it he does not.

The priest begins the Final Sacrament of Last Rights but then refers to it as Extreme Unction which also got my attention. That was how I learned it back then but now it is commonly referred to by the 'new & improved' dumbed-down name.

Then the priest started reciting the words of the rite which was surprising, then in Latin shockingly and the man died AND the program suddenly ended. Just ended.

Of course I am leaving some of the little side conversations and minor details out but today when the mercury reaches the forecasted high of 40° and between working and dips in the cement pond I can find a break to fire up a machine in the shade and look up the details of Extreme Unction.

I wonder, hope and pray if I will receive this sacrament.

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