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Up early this day before the Dark Hour. I opened a window and the night was cool, dark and quiet still as in soundless. There was the ambient obnoxious light casting the odd geometric inverse shadows in my room but I acclimate quickly to the shapes and fall back to sleep.

So I wake up AGAIN and right away my mind starts firing with plans and a rehash of the previous day.

I realized I missed the ‘opportunity’ of a Nine-eleven (9-1-1) entry but if you are itching and jonesing for SOMETHING of a tribute or memorial, flip back here and find an older entry.

Sorry folks I did not have the time and besides, I am noticing when one does REPEAT something or a story EVER, the amateur quacks and hack therapists are ALL OVER that with a ‘diagnosis’ or ridiculous labels.

I know because I’ve done it.

From the headlines, note the profile of this swindling 'top medicaid’ official. Indian as in asian female. ANY insurance is fair game, ripe and easy pickings for ANY human with a 'fraud' gene in ther DNA. Case at point bilked the system out of MILLIONS. SO PROUD we (the USA) gave her such an opportunity to excel. Can this H1B1 be sent packing?

On a lighter note, this link has underwater video of which I was taken with for a very short period. The movements of the diver and tortugas is so graceful and majestic you expect some music in the background. PERHAPS there was and I had the ‘mute’ on … (?)

From the world of sports and our local team STILL PLAYING and how for Lord Stanley's chalise.

A thriller last night, a 2-1 win and advantage in the playoff series 3-1 which is commanding.

I accepted an invitation to view the game on telly over at S1. It truly was a luxury box of fable and fame. I had such a full and busy day that drinking anything but water was pointless. And unnecessary.

Br12 also displayed expanding cooking skills with a quesadillas.

Anyway, here is something that appeared on boner, local coach Rick getting some accolades and deserved recognition.

A full day yesterday and another today to fini things that dropped off of yesterdays list. Starting with a longer ride as soon as it is light enough. Then in the AM around the same time as we will start the volunteer outing at Colonial I need to visit a range and strike some balls and get more practice in.

Yesterday afternoon late the session at Rick’s Range at Chase Oaks was just dreadful even to the point of being demoralizing. One thing about the game of golf I have picked up over the years is that it can be very humbling.

I find myself in such a valley at this moment. It simply is not getting any better and NOT FUN which needs to change quickly because when something is no longer ‘fun’, much more serious questions start getting axed.

For next week, on Monday, Manuel and his crew are scheduled for a session to tidy up the yard.

Some DIY projects were accomplished Friday and Saturday but Heaven knows there is more to be done. As in I mowed but could not help but notice trimming and edging are next in order.

It never ends.

There you have it.

HEY, Ms Bold Caps is a No Show.



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