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I AM BACK refreshed, positive and headed up in the right direction. It’s Friday, a new year and much much to report.
Well, I guess I couldn’t avoid THAT for long so might as well address it straight away.
On Wednesday he was transported to a rehab facility in Houston. Today, Friday, a conference call with OT (occupational therapy) reported phenomenal progress. The OT said he is responding more AND appropriately, talking more so speech is returning AND he is walking with the aid of a harness contraption. They are pleased and impressed with his progress so all good. Two (2) days Just amazing.
Well you’re clearly back to being an idiot.
Large chunks of each day were spent at the hospital, going and coming. Fighting DAILY running battles with insurance carriers, customer DISservice bumblers, answering tons of questions, vacating his apartment and getting everything into storage units little things like that.
If I got an hour or two a day of art work, ANY work, done on a day, it was huge and a big relief.
Because it was so well planned and thought out, I am not behind schedule at all at this point in time.
The first and next upcoming event is in McK at a local gallery mid-February and I have the projects, application and bios all done and ready well before the deadline. Then the exhibit in Corpus will be end of February and those projects got some relief just before the Holidays.
I was going to take far too many larger projects and Kathy said the gallery was small and she clarified that more smaller projects would be better plus she lowered the total number. This reduced the need to rent the truck and I should be able to get all the work into the back of Silver with the roof top cargo carrier.
I have been having some fun posting comments on SUBSTACK. As in this vehicle, not posting anything of major significance just reading other posts and offering constructive feedback, comments and support where due from Alex Berenson and his Unreported Truths. A good release and kind of fun.
I have been toying with writing some short stories. Two are moving forward one fast the other just beyond the concept stage and stalled. The second is failing to launch however the first has a good trajectory, nice traction and feels very comfortable.
I have been obviously side-tracked mentally but now things seem to be breaking up where I can resume and get back to ‘normal.’
From the Unreported Truths and leaning over into the stinking, smelling world of politics, I am forwarding and posting two (2) short video links here that clearly and concisely illustrate the schism in American politics unfolding today. I am still of the opinion that this epidemic is a hoax and a diversion of some sort hiding a much larger agenda.
Jordan Shreds dems
Head of CDC refuses OR cannot answer simple questions of congressional panel.
Why are these morons not charged with contempt of congress and prosecuted? Some of the replies of these officials are nonsense and PURE bullshit. Sorry Emma.
I hope that the people that voted for Gropin’ Joe only because they ‘HATED’ President Trump are both happy and satisfied with the current predicament and state of affairs. Voting for an idiot and moron because you ‘HATE’ the other candidate is NOT a LEGITMATE excuse and when or IF you vote with or for ‘HATE’, you DESERVE whatever you get.
I recall the lady I was seeing back at the time around the election and she proudly proclaimed she was voting for Uncle Joe. I just looked at her, bewildered and stunned. I truly thought she was smarter than that. Then never saw he again. Oh well. I’m sure she feels the same.
As a PSA (from (PJ Media): We all want to stop supporting China but it is tough to do so when Amazon makes things so convenient and cheap.
Here are a few tips to help you be more sensitive to buying products made in China and some ways to work around and find American products.
Break Your Chinese Shopping Habit for 2022: Here's How
QUOTE: China is the United States' greatest existential threat and geopolitical enemy. They steal our intellectual property. They hack us and spy on us. They trade and form military alliances with our enemies. They colonize, buy, and assimilate territory all over the world at a frightening rate. And they've infiltrated the U.S. to a shocking degree already, evidenced by our increasingly authoritarian government-global corporation complex. No, you don't have to give up Amazon or Walmart. It's almost impossible to beat the convenience of online shopping at Amazon, Walmart, and the like. Luckily, there's a simple way to filter your search results for items produced by American workers in American companies. When you type what you're looking for into the search field, first add the phrase "made in USA," then type the rest. There are also websites from which you can buy directly, and which sell only American-made products, but their selection tends to be more limited. The Grommet is a good example: on this site, you can shop through a department or just type specifically what you're looking for into the search window. While such sites may or may not carry what you're looking for, if they do have it, you can complete your purchase right there with a couple clicks — and feel righteous about spending money while you're at it!
I know.
There have been some rough moments but God had my back .
I did speak to a priest early on and his suggestion was to release and put everything into the hands of the Holy Spirit. I agreed but did not tell him that I had already turned it over to God and would go with and accept whatever outcome he deemed. I am still convinced more that ever that God’s Grace and prayers pulled him NOT BACK but thru.
And the non-believers are on their own. Atheists, agnostics … fine. You won’t have anywhere to turn when the chips are down and you suddenly find yourself behind the 8-ball.
How’s THAT for pagan logic?.