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Two (2, dos) pair once again and here to introduce new mysterious ghost writer. Ladies and officers, YO Ming. Gender ID TBD.
‘Prease arroh me to introduce myself …
Roaring Stones and yeah hi, me YO Ming with golden opportunity to perform job as interim writer in US for this most prestigious pubrication. If I do good, interim go away. Boss says it all about subscriptions, sales and revenue(s) so I get it. Produce or perish.
So I start with local news … UNBEREAVEABLE !!
That all I have time for today. Thanks for leading my intro. Me thinks it will get better this only first shot. Check not bad and speaking of check, send one.
This YO Ming reporting.
Thank you Ming. Next time I need to ask him if he ever gets confuses with the state by the same name.
Getting back on track here and as promised an overdue report from the McK Pecan Hill pineapple plantation. Today’s image shows plantation laborer Guillermo harvesting first lowest hanging flute, I mean FRUIT, of the season. Plant wilted by the extended heat and water restriction irregularities is a great grandmother. The heat-related stress has survival a concern and a question but she has been a productive plant and will be strongly considered for the pineapple ring of honor for her accomplishments. Maybe at the end of this growing season.

What did you think it had become like a pet or something silly?
It was different and very good. Not as juicy as I expected but sweet and tasty in a fresh sort of way. My roommate and I each enjoyed a small chunk and we chopped up some for a fresh flute, FRUIT salad addition. Some went into the collection in the freezer for ‘estate’ pineapple blending later in the year. At years end when whole pineapples drop to less than $1.00 and it becomes conserve, compote and jam season for pineapple, new tops will be obtained. That’s how it all works.
The top this new little one was saved to re-propagate.
There is one F1 from great grandmother doing well but I think it is lost with the label coming off the container.
Here is a link to DTR and Sidney Powell’s outstanding newsletter. This one I included because of a number good-to-great articles that lead to supporting links spreading the truth and offering readership something other than propaganda and static.
The current read was finished over the weekend. If you can find a copy of The Petting Zoo by Jim Carroll be comforted that I enjoyed it. If you cannot find locate a copy, you can purchase this one OR it will be available with your paid subscription OR you can get it on loan on the library’s honor system.
On Saturday S1 and I completed the estate rain water collection system. The four (4) containers, three (3) 55-gal barrels and one (1) 600-gal tank set-up as designed and configured with a pump and two (2) dedicated hoses to serve the entire back jardin quite nicely. AND IT WORKS.
In case you haven’t heard, this region is baked, burned and parched with lots of warmth, no rain and nada in the forecast. But it doesn’t hardly compare to conditions and records set in Lubbock. Emma checked in and dry and bad. IT MAY Be worse but not watching or paying attention to TV, local news or such I am officially out of the loop on all that. I am just trying to survive myself knowing that God has this and he is in the process of thinning the herd. Let’s face it, there are far too many people out wandering around without clues that totally LACK manners, respect and I could go on and on and on but won’t.
The end is in site for the wix blog and website.
You heard me. It’s all about ‘views’ and traffic and https://wsterchak.substack.com/ are continuing to nudge upwards. The stats on the stack have a graph and one day I had 52 views !! I think there were four (4) times when views hit between 30-40 and starting to figure so much per head, a sustainable income is coming into focus slowly. Wix views are steady to put it kindly and low. In fact, it is approaching flatline. I am thinking it is too difficult to access, find and locate. Just me.
I have seen and been quite impressed with a website tool called ‘wordpress’(wp). I met one artist with a very sharp site set up on wp but I can’t reach her to find out if she did it herself or someone else maintains it for her. Surely if she can do it so can I. Time and patience become the gating issues once again.
What else?

Not much. Out of ambition,
energy and it is getting near the next meal time. I am managing to squeeze in small taskings thru-out the day in short bursts as time and my roommate allow.
I may go dark again here for a spell with admin and paperwork. The hack and identity theft recovery was started and is being chipped away at. I am fully expecting that issue to decline further before it either 1) improves or 2) returns to normal (?).