f 13
Good morning & greetings from the edge where a deceptive day is already underway.
Today we are breaking policy and protocols by doing a full-blown entry on the 13th day.
I awoke at 2:44 am and was wondering what the square root of 13 was. Thirteen is an unlucky number according to pagan ‘religions’ and worshipers of ‘false gods’ so digging deeper beyond all that it is a prime number and kind of unique.
My first guess was MAYBE √13 was 3.14 (pi or π) but I would have learned THAT sometime before now or someone else would have figured it out like Pythagoras or Euclid.
So Emma, I just let you off the hook and I looked it up. It’s actually 3.6. I DID KNOW at one time exactly how to figure the square root but long forgotten HOWEVER I was able to get fairly close with extrapolating and estimating. I mean it had to be somewhere between 3 & 4 …
Entering the month of functions, the new f13 has been declared the 'emergency function' equivalent to what you know today as 9-1-1. These calls will be routed to emergency services promptly and with the highest priority OR heads roll.
The sun shines bravely, brilliantly and bright however the heat cycled and I have some root balls of the dead shrubs to burn so I am thinking now is a great time. This will not be an all-day type of fire and I am thinking it to be a different and more FUNCTIONAL fire to get rid of the debris and keep it from the landfill. Just doing my environmental stewardship thing.
No word from the Martin Place local gallery so I am making other plans around not passing jury muster which is OK.
It could still happen as I was telling FirstBorn but life is far too short to moan about such a thing.
Focusing and re-aiming for the exhibit at Studio C in Corpus AND Plan B is Atrium22 in Frisco. Yesterday there were a few electronic mails exchanged between here and CC. A ‘wake-up’ call or reminder and of course details. First response was I expect to be there on time and fully compliant with all the written instructions.
I started tracking the projects on an excel spreadsheet and being that organized has without question reduced stress levels exponentially to manageable.
I awoke a little later in the night, couldn’t get back to sleep and made a fantastic discovery. Checking the TuneIn app on the phone I found that two (2) of my favorite stations were back after some technical issues & link upgrades.
Roswell UFO which is all sci-fi radio programs was back up and running. Same with Horror Theater. I like to listen to Horror Theater for the pure thrill as some of the stories are really scary. The stories are exceptionally well written, the stories more often than not clever and far, FAR more entertaining than contemporary ‘podcasts’.
Even the commercials are worth a chuckle. This morning during the Life of Riley where was a commercial for meat.
More ‘economical’ cuts costing fewer ‘points’ but still containing the ten (10) essential ‘amino acids’. This program obviously was from the war years so a little history lesson was behind it all.
Yesterday was productive and we are hoping for more of the same today. I can get after it when the Sunday routines are squared away. Today with watering the plants get some plant food. Longer daylight is going to get them itching to grow.
I am approaching the final 100 pages of the Stalin biography. What an interesting ordeal. Remind me to think THREE time (3x) before taking on anything Russian again. Far too cumbersome. I recall what a chore Solzhenitsyn was to get thru. Stalin was similar bur different.
Well, he did have his bad or dark side but he was from very humble roots and maneuvered his way to the top leadership position in the world. I am finally up to WWII and it was Stalin who had it all over Churchill AND Roosevelt. The dealings and negotiations were of particular interest and Joseph clearly had the better of the US President and PM Churchill.
Here is a tidbit I was impressed with.
When the United Nations was being established, Stalin was pushing for AND holding out for the US to get three (THREE !) votes in what became the Security Council. The US & UK held sway but I thought that was very telling and contrary to what the history books preach. Totally forgotten OR just not mentioned AT ALL.
Oh sure he had the dark side. The purges were horrific and the dirty dealings certainly not commendable. When one is trying to lead a large, fractionated nation from the feudal system of serfs and wealthy landlords serious measures were necessary. Things were different there then.
I would not read it again nor would I recommend it to anyone as I know so few readers or a person with even a passing interest in history. It was amazing to learn and I was impressed how some things today are so similar then to now.
The media and the use of propaganda. Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky all were prolific writers and like today there was so much volume in newspapers, books and such that it had to be difficult to sort out the truth and facts from the bullshit.
Just like now one has to be keen and sharp on what is the truth, real and who or what is trustworthy.
Stalin started his career in the seminary to be a priest and finally dropped out in favor of politics and the revolution. He probably did have some type of neurosis or psychosis going on but there was a shortage of therapists back then.
The life-long learning and the open aperture I am being convinced are secrets to longevity, neuroplasticity and well-being. THAT will be a test question.
Got to dash.
I have some fresh eggs for breakfast. REAL eggs like from a small farm. I had a couple yesterday for breakfast and nothing, NOTHING even resembling the eggs from Wm or k-roget. The small white rocks with yellow yolks. These have ORANGE yolks and are rich. I looked for the process for soft-boiling them on-line and I may try that next. I got an 18-pack and am having to hustle to finish them before they go bad.
Time to get after the list and board the train departing from Procrastination station.
Toot-toot ...