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J 26

Happy Birthday greetings and best wishes going out this day to the Great One AND FB. I feel a little sorry for Wayne G sometimes for in spite of all the records and great accomplishments his little girl took a path, well, different. Being kind but more respectful.

I recall sometimes vaguely when FB was in that rebellious stage because I don’t think it is one of those things that can be completely forgettable.

Unlike her mother, a totaled vehicular wreck, she was salvageable. However like Wayne’s little girl the NEXT STEP which is paying for the wedding they strolled down the aisle with greatness but UP the aisle with not so much.

But enough of that. Being kind but more respectful.

A couple of days ago I thought I was coming down with the dreaded ccp virus as I THINK I recognized a symptom or two.


Well I sorted it out frankly. I attributed it to jet lag.


Exploratory trip to Galveston was a drive overland with a layover in the Woodlands. But there little Mickey had some ailment, NOT the dreaded ccp as parents had HIM tested that day and before my arrival. His test was negative but he had SOMETHING. Probably the next gen which would be what C-20?

Anyway, thru REPEATED REMINDERS to cover his smokers cough, he eventually became complaint and seemed to understand the point being the probabilities of an exposure to SOMETHING were high.

Another factor coming into play was low rest. While laying over a couple of nights coming and going, sleeping on the bottom bunk of Mickey’s bunk bed was an adjustment not totally made and certainly not as restful. The night on Seawall Drive was better but for one night it was still strange and then I was up and gone.

The driving itself was stressful as previously mentioned. It would be next to impossible to go that distance without passing or being passed by an idiot that should not be driving.

I attributed the chest pains and muscle aches to prolonged posturing once home. I slept in, very late because I could and lounged around resting as I unloaded Silver and unpacked napping in Reclin-One. It was during one of these sessions that I noticed the difficulty breathing.



There’s a place here in McK just down El Dorado near Texans credit union doing ‘free testing’ and as one might guess the line is horrendous. The ‘lab’ is run out of a shipping container I sh*t you not. The technician wears a mask and were money actually exchanged he would be a bandit. Are YOU trusting such a thing?

I myself was considering setting up such a shop. REQUEST Donations of course and supply INSTANT bogus results.

For instance on even number days, all patients, I MEAN ‘customers’ will be NEGATIVE.

On the odd days, everyone would test positive. Easy peasy.

So to your point, I am not waiting in line there or anywhere to be ‘tested’. As Bob Hope once said, I like surprises.


Same old routines. I keep washing my hands. Especially when I stopped at Woodie’s in Centerville. I made some hot high-antioxidant tea, lots of fluids such as water, rested and started the tylenol dosage IAW label directions. I think I took two (2) doses (dos doses) and maybe a third before bed. Went to bed early and woke up SYMPTOM FREE.

Today I am up early raring to paint and otherwise work around the fortress.




I had a flu shot. Same thing.

Besides, not trusting the powers to be have done their due diligence with such a thing. No really. You thinking they didn’t take shortcuts?

In the course of one of my many investigations, I learned one Edward Jenner received a very large financial 'donation or contribution' labeled 'suspicious' during the day of smallpox vaccine development AND get this, statistics of deaths were NOT REPORTED in the media for they were HIGHER than if the disease run it natural course.

The point here now is this is nothing new. Following the money has never resonated so clearly.

I blame social media and the propoganda spilled and sprayed by the other media sources for robbing the general population of the ability to think and reason not necessarily correctly but properly. The vast majority simply do not realize what is important or have those priorities misaligned. The internet is probably the single most pervasive such 'tool' misapplied, abused and misused and continues to be thee source for many.

I am thinking more and more about dying and not living forever. Coming to terms with it and it’s ok. Clearly the inmates are now running the asylum so when the bus or train pulls up, I will be all aboard.

I am mildly surprised at some people expressing such a ‘fear’. But not shocked. With toxoplasmosis, hep-c and all the other yet unnamed, undiagnosed OR misdiagnosed ailments PLUS the falling out of Faith, frankly such fear should be expected.

If I don't know a person and they express such 'fear', I flat out inquire and they do NOT have a Faith base or foundation. No worries I say.

May God have mercy on your soul.

When the full-blown panic sets in, I may just sit in my front yard, under the shade tree and watch the rats and roaches scurry frantically about while I enjoy a cocktail and under such circumstances even run out and buy a cigar.

There is a new read which is a mammoth undertaking and I am not sure I am going to finish. Ulysses Grant’s memoirs ANNOTATED and therein lays the problem.

I do NOT want to read this editor/writers thoughts, opinions or even anecdotal ideas for close to 1000 pages. And no there is NOT an extra zero there. The editor’s introduction is over 70 pages!

According to the jacket, the writer is a professor of ‘English’ at USMA. This is commonly refered to as West Point. So here is my question BEGGING to be answered …

WHY is there and ’English’ teacher at the US Military academy?


I mean don’t MOST of the STUDENTS, who by the way are future LEADERS, already speak English and is there a NEED to improve their language skills?

When they call me I will recommend changing her title to professor of LITERATURE …

Nearing the end now of Chapter 1, p14 and I was going to apply my 100-page rule but I don’t think I am going to make it.


Why? I’ll tell you why Ms Therapist.

The first PAGE and this continues thru the CHAPTER is one (1) paragraph approximately 1/3 of the page of Grant’s narrative and 2/3’s of her ‘annotations’ at the bottom.

I read all such annotations the first 70+ pages and I looked ahead and this is a TREND. More ‘annotations’ than substance directly from the General.

She actually goes to Grant’s tomb in NY for ‘quiet time’ to reflect.

I personally think the lady has either an ego or a word problem and maybe both. I suspect the valve isn't open all the way.

I am very close to pulling the trigger here Fans and returning this boat anchor of bullshit to the library and get the original for I think I can handle it and not this … gibberish (?) from an English teacher. Sorry, professor.

It’s ALL ABOUT the title.

The Harry Truman biography was next and I can tell you one thing with certainty. I am NOT falling into this trap again. A ‘best seller’, ‘award-winning’ tag does not automatically make the writer a shoo-in on Bill’s list. Lately some of these have been absolute busts and as Pete Townsend has said repeatedly, I won’t get fooled again.

I think Gropin’ Joe said that as well but he plagiarized.

It’s getting light and soon the light will be right and perfect for painting. I am working on a Eurasian dotterel and this one I may not be able to part with. I mean it is thee most difficult shorebird I have attempted without question by far.

The great part is that it is coming along and I am getting it, NAILING it actually. There are so many images, variations in colors and markings, all dependent on the age of the bird, gender and where it is in the cycle to create what … ‘challenges’?

The mild winter raised its gorgeous head yesterday and I got in an OUTDOOR bike ride which topped the indoor ‘ride’ by a mile(s). No comparison.

Anywho, like the c20 scare has passed and it looks like the writer’s blockade has lifted. Up over 1300 quality words !! Arranged and presented in NYT-award winning fashion.

Happy Birthday FB and to the Great One as well.


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