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Au Fifteen

This entry was actually started 8/13 however under the T & C (finest print) typically no posts are made on the 13th of any months.

Are YOU ready for a Monday?

I’m not.

Today is a Holy day of obligation. Being the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass was once ‘mandatory’ but like nearly everything else has become more ‘relaxed’ or sometimes as I prefer to refer the condition as ‘dumbing down’. I can do an extra Mass today for this week as good things nearly always seem to happened when I take a little bit extra time for God.

So here are the briefest highlights and recapitulations since our last séance.

First a link received last week from the City of Frisco. It amounts to a PSA or a commercial depending on where you happen to be sitting at that moment in time. It took me a couple of days to get around to it and when I did it provided a very nice boost and lift to sagging spirits.

Watching the Shore (WS.6) can be seen on several occasions during the narrative and is simply thrilling to see as an artist.

Very cool.

Today’s image will be THAT painting as proof or serve as a refresher what the reader is looking for and allow for an extended view. BTW the piece has not sold and is available for sale. We can discuss delivery options.

Next a fine example of nonsense and tax money questionably spent. I am wondering if in a ‘real’ war such as Uk vs Ru first IF there even are female fighters IF they are concerned with their boobs. Developing a ‘tactical bra’… they are ALL tactical.


The final link for today raises more questions than it answers for sure about the new next ‘public health’ epi-or pandemic. Take your pick if you follow such faux-news or propaganda as an alternate religion.

FREE ADVICE: DISTANCE yourself and avoid any person, dog or monkey that may or might be a suspected carrier. And for Heaven’s sake DO NOT sleep with them.

S1 and I were coaxed to exchange the summer heat wave conditions in McK for the very similar summer heat wave conditions in Houston. School started last week so this is now the first FULL week for grandees formal educational and indoctrination process. The weekend was a throwback to summer childhood rules with loads of laughing, swimming, playing and yes some fighting. Sunday night supper was poolside, a one-pot shrimp boil with cobbed corn and little potatoes with super side salads as twilight approached. Very nicely done.

I brought the big red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) project to work on and made significant progress. This piece needs to be completed by Au 31 for submitting to the City of Frisco for Atrium 23. No real heat yet but one does not recommend ‘pressure’ to complete a creative work or otherwise hurry the creative process. In this artist’s case, it simply does not work. Budgeting time ‘units’ seems to be working best using standard blocks of 30 minutes or one (1) hour. Typically if momentum has gathered and the ‘zone’ is achieved, a second or even third cycle setting can be started. Hey, it works for me.

Now that they are in school, gone for the day and the casa quiet, S1 & I are going to watch The Basketball Diaries. The 1995 film based on the life of Jim Carroll author of The Petting Zoo recently read. Leo DeCap plays young Jim. We watched the trailer with grandees and deemed this movie adults only and not suitable for children under ten (10).

Speaking of an oldie goldie rediscovered, late yesterday we dragged out FB’s complete dvd set of Alf. We watched the first two episodes, the grandees giggled and it was actually a good shift in entertainment. The dialog was sharp, the humor dry at times and crisp and well-worth the time.

As Porky Pig is fond of saying, that’s all folks.


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