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The sensation was a rapid rise. It was pitch dark, it was wet and just when he realized he was even cold, the piece of flotsam he was tied to dropped into the darkness, crashing 40-50 feet and it jarred his head.

The taste of bile was in his mouth. That was the last thing he would remember.

He came to briefly and the sea was calm. The sky was turning pink. He had survived the night and now there were a whole new set of obstacles with the new day that was about to break. The bile lingered, now he was hungry and he fell back to sleep.

The sun was coming up now. Somehow the bile had cleared but he was still hungry. As he gathered his wits, he spotted a small fish, about 15 cm, its head jammed and caught in the flotsam. Taking his boot knife, he first freed the fish then unceremoniously sacrificed it on the wet wood. He slit the belly and fingered out the small liver.

For that instant, it was the best foie gras second only to the night at the Palais Royal and the Countess.

When he slowly finished the sushi, his trained eye scanned the horizon. He spotted an island in the distance but could he make it there?

He started to paddle with his hands alternating and being cautious to pace. Hours later, at the high point of the day, he cut the tethered rope, staggered thru the crashing waves and collapsed on the sand.

Much like this shipwreck capitan, I find myself coming out of a precarious funque. As near as I can tell it has been a full week or nearly so.


Of course not you idiot. One PERSEVERES thru such life ‘periods’. You sort it out, wait it out and have Faith things WILL CHANGE because simply THEY DO.

I visited S1 yesterday and there was phenomenal marked progress. I altered the visiting time only slightly, took him a foot-long sandwich and some trail/snack mix and he was very much more animated.


I was going to visit later like 6:30 to 7:30 to watch the game and he would be sleeping or napping after supper. No bueno.

He wasn’t exactly communicative because he had afterall just been sleeping.

This was different. I told him I had gone to the dentist that day and we talked about having his wisdom teeth looked at.

We made plans for him coming over to hang out this weekend. He said yes both to Saturday AND Sunday like last weekend so I am lining up a few small projet artistique he might have fun doing safely.


I think it is.

The cement pond will be available for the occasional dips to cool.

Today as I explained the need for mixing fuel for the trimmer and edger both two-stroke (cycle) engines which he seemed to grasp and also that the lawn needed to be mowed.

The current read on TBI hit a terrific chapter in a very timely fashion. Diagnosing and predicting the degree of injury and paths to recovery. Reading the book and watching the progress unfold has certainly been both encouraging and cause for Hope.

Like the sailor coming out of the storm, collapsing for a much needed rest period, the time is here, NOW, to stand and address the issues, ALL of the issues, but with method and one at a time.

One step, one small step at a time.

Then two, the SECOND step and before one can realize, YOU, they or we are on our way.

There are indications that God is once again working behind the scenes. The wild night storm, the small fish meager sustenance and getting to the island.


Don’t toss the tiny fish.


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