Third (3) December 2014
The third day of December and this entry is made with some effort for I am singing the Hibernation Blues. But NO MEDS !!
I lost yesterday late after a roaring start. I must be careful here as today’s plan is low in energy, impact & volume but as with any plan, subject to change. Yesterday I even made a LIST !! I know. I got the big items out of the way & got down into the Optionals & something Emma from Oz mentioned in an offline comm began to ‘register’.
I was in BB&B looking to burn some coupons for Holiday gift giving. Big sign out front proclaimed ‘NOW HIRING’ & I immediately thought to self wow, what an opporuntiy ? I was thinking of an extremely target rich environment but I digress.
The two items I went in looking for of course I could not find. Then my bowels started to rumble or move about & Emma’s words of warning came to mind. ‘Don’t drink of the bubbling broth.’ Well, by then it was too late. Way too late. Good thing it was just a taste & not a large bowl.
Anyway, those microbial toxins has ‘loosened’ things up AND considerably. Their timing was impeccible.
Gladly Patty & thanks for the message & feedback from the CONTACT form on the site. We now know that feature works as advertised. And the boat is moored at that time in the BVI. (FAQ)
Speaking of moving along, contributing to the overall malaise I am experiencing & using as an excuse of late is the flu shot received on Monday.
I called Jenkins office that morning early for a referral, recommendation & guidance & they said it was late in the season but they had some vaccine left. They said it would take about two weeks for the antibodies to build up and during that time I WAS vulnerable to infection. So I am laying only slightly lower than normal and waiting PATIENTLY for those little suckers to reproduce & increase their numbers. The innoc site is a little sore or tender but noticeable only when sleeping .
The plan today is read, nap, fluids, nap, write, another nap and see then check & see what I forgot.
Background music this morning is ‘courtesy’ of the scoundrels at at&t u-verse. That’s right, the peuks that bring the cable & internet into my house. They have several music channels that are audio only & probably not trendy enough for the general population when they can tap into pandora, tune-in or other of the paid subscription commercial services currently available.
But newsflash, the BLUES channel is ABSOLUTELY KILLER. A totally horizontal mix of the oldest of old obscure masters & some newer artists thrown in as well. Easy Listening has been redefined, rediscovered AND arrived. TESTIFY !!
The music seems wonderfully fitting this morning as equinox approaches marking the start of winter.
Looking on the up side, as I am inclined do & to most recommend often to clients, with the longest night on or about 20 December, the light of the day starts getting longer by a few minutes and will take us to & thru summer.
How's that ?
As always,
Your correspondent.