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Struggling a bit here Fans let’s call it broadly & generically a ‘hangover’ OR better ‘growing pains’ learning the NEW language of the NEW website, wix & html5. I feel compelled for a brief entry Sunday afternoon.


I sense some sarcasm (?).

I am going to explain anyway.

So far in the New Year, one challenge already is setting up an ‘Archive’ for old entries. I have watched the HELP video 2-3 x already & fooled with things making only about half the progress needed so the struggle continues.

I have the trip report ‘Is this the Way to Santa Fe?’ DONE to my satisfaction & ready to post.

However, EXACTLY where to place it & how is the next challenge. I want to post under & on the new TRAVEL tab but that apparently is too simple to execute. It keeps popping up in the existing BLOG under Recent or Featured Post. I DON’T WANT IT THERE !!


Anyway, it is a Sunday afternoon here at the cloud, bitter cold as the Arctic or Polar Vortex is bearing down. Got some faux heat going on & amusing myself with what are becoming to be known as my geriatric activities on the retiree schedule.

That said, it is time for a break & to move on.

You now KNOW I am alive, as well as can be expected for someone in this age bracket & going forward. Think one smallish step to the front & then back a couple before forward again.

Stay thirsty. God Bless & DEMAND the Best throughout the New Year offically NOW here & nka 2015.

Bill o/o.

Spirit rises upward

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