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Ate Jan 15

Very cold here at the cloud as the day starts. Plans for an evening re-cap got NO TRACTION last night so today being a numerically noteworthy day begs or pushes for a ‘sharon tell.’ You know her, her older brother William was famous for the Lone Ranger overture.

Today the shareable social e-newsletter highlights are birthdays today of Steven Hawking & Elvis. I also have a very vague association memory of it being another birthday of a former boss & mentor but I couldn’t be 100% certain. So I called the last number I had regardless. No answer, non-descript voicemail & voice mailbox full. Perhaps I will walk up to the store later (when it warms or IF it warms up) & get a little card to send with a note.

I spent about 30 minutes this morning looking for a pen to make some notes for when I call my accountant for the first call of the tax season. Call is in & I am now on ‘stand-by’ awaiting the return call. A minor incon being tethered to the phone in this way.

Yesterday the January 2015 issue of Industrial Engineer magazine arrived & the featured member profile on p 26 was none other than YOUR correspondent. The very abbreviated account of how IE methods were used to train for & complete the HH100 was squeezed into a 500-600 essay but it turned into a good, quick read. The photo was even flattering. So that was exciting & a lift.

Patty came over last night for dinner. I outdid myself yet again with culinary skills preparing salmon (wild) with some gently sauteed vegetables & Mayan sweet potato. Not a fan of the sweet spud, I had to be REAL CREATIVE to present it in a manner that appealed to her taste. I don’t know if I succeeded or she can convinced me that she did not dislike it.

There were two hockey games last night on the telly and during breaks Patty helped with the first assembly & positioning of the frame in the master’s great room upstairs. The wooden frame is very heavy, solid & monsterous and now only needs a little tightening up, insert the cross supports & then buy the new mattress. So that project is nearing completion.

Received a message at Tours by Bill for preliminary quote & prices for a trip to FL. Requested activities to plan around include golf, bike riding & hiking nature conservation, wildlife refuges & sanctuaries. Seven to 14 days sometime in February. ECO-Tours by

Bill …

That’s it.

Got to make some hot breakfast. Porridge I think.

Also, while waiting for the return call from my accountant, do some job searching. I vaguely recall one or two of interest in the vast & nauseating number of broadcast emails blasted to my in-box DAILY … 24/7.

As cold as it is I think I would much rather just read the two books I am struggling thru by the fire. Or spread some paint on one of the multiple projects that are potential revenue waiting to be generated …

This is Bill signing out.

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