1 twenty-six 2015
So what is it with spam? I mean I can’t get rid of it fast enough. The crap keeps POURING in … as we speak. Take a couple days off & there are hundreds clogging things up. Crikey.
I mean it is as bad, no WORSE, that junk mail. The cyberpeuks are looking to trick you to click onto a bogus link that hides a ‘free’ ticket & trip to install malware on your (MY) machine corrupting data, information or worse. Stealing my IDENTITY.
Note the new term, seen or heard first HERE. Expanding the lexicon with Bill. Not dignifying cybercriminals in anyway but calling them what they truly are AND using an alternate (maybe incorrect or inaccurate) spelling of same … ‘puke.’
In ice hockey, Claude Lemeuix was known as a puke by other players. There was a time, before the visors & eye protection were manditory, that when the instigator of an altercation was wearing a visor & he dropped the gloves, the one starting the fight wearing the visor got extra penalty minutes (PIMS). Lemeuix (claude, the puke, NOT at all to be confused with Mario) was NOTORIOUS for starting trouble & HIDING behind his visor when his opponent & dance partner especially DID NOT have such protection. This is not only a puke but fits the new def of a peuk. Someone that any self-respecting person would shun & avoid at all costs.
Anyway, back to todays topic … SPAM.
TODAY, like just now, two messages offering ‘gift’ certificates or coupons from Walmart for $1000. TWO, in about an (one) hour!! Then there are the smaller ones from the likes of the Olive Garden for $100, Outback Steakhouse (BEWARE Emma) and now the HOT Russian women that want to meet ME. ME !! I mean I CAN UNDERSTAND THAT anyway. But the Brazilian, Asian or Japanese women … my how FAST good news circulates. They must have BELIEVED the male enhancement ads I have been getting.
We need to get barrack oh involved in this issue.
Opps. Sorry Patty. I couldn’t help taking a shot at the first dude, lame duck that he is. One gets the impression that he can not only tackle THIS problem but ANY other issue of presidential significance or worthiness but SOLVE the issue. I mean his crack (sorry) team of thugs glossed over the festering sore in Ferguson, MO some months ago. I received a youtube video of Michael Brown being a thug beating up an elderly black gentleman in an downscale housing project. I mean he was brutal kicking the old feller when he was covering his head laying on the ground. This little video clip needless to say did not make the ‘Nightly News’.
So today is a HUGE day. Australia day so cheers to Emma, Sir Ron, Adam, Jack, the Shark & all the good ones Down unda. FB turns 32 today. I called her & she tells me she is ‘celebrating 30’.
More from the noodles at shareables … birthday of note today Paul Newman & not-so-noteable Smellen Degenerate AND GET THIS, they TOTALLY MISSED the Great One, Wayne Gretzky !! Peuks.
Social media ‘news’, courtesy of Forbes, How to remove a LinkedIN connection. Thank you VERY much. Blizzard 2015 is about to slam the NE US. As we used to call it … winter. SENSATIONAL !!
I just took a small break. This morning already two (2) trips to Home Depot to change out 2 (two) light bulbs. After the first install, I noticed right away they were of different intensity than the existing ceiling bulbs then one dropped & broke BEFORE I got it out of the package.
I ran into Kevin Skeleton, another former program manager, colleague & co-worker at local Raytheon facility now working at HD as a greeter. Said that he got bored & needed something to do. We chatted for a bit & then I thought how said. Then I saw him again within an hour …
So the sun is out & shining. It is supposed to get up to 21 (C) today so I am stalling waiting for it to climb up just a little more before going for a bike ride. Patty bought a new bike Saturday & we went for a shakedown turn yesterday afternoon. It was windy, TOO windy & not warm enough for two (2) circuits so we quit at one (1). My legs were stiff this morning so I want to go again today because I NEED it.
I still need to activiate castle security for next week. Grace Jones Drones will be protecting the fort while out on travel. Armed killer drones will be watching high above the compound & inside, sleeping dogs, trained attack snakes & kamakaizi fire ants will patrol.
OK. Need to run.
Also staging gear prior to packing & departing later this week for sun, sea & surf.
That’s it. I CANNOT go on … here now.
Bill over, out